Seeking Truth Through Facts 2021: The Quad and Potential for Future Collaboration
August 11, 2021 — Bonnie Glaser, Director of the Asia Program at the German Marshall Fund of the United States; Aparna Pande, Director of the Initiative on the Future of India and South Asia at the Hudson Institute; Guy Boekenstein MAICD, Inaugural Northern Australia Fellow at Asia Society Australia and Senior Director for National Security and Defence at the Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet, Northern Territory Government; and Yuki Tatsumi, Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the East Asia Program and Director of the Japan Program at the Stimson Center, engage in a discussion about the Quad and potential for future collaboration. Mary Kay Magistad, Associate Director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations at Asia Society, moderated the program. The discussion covered China's response to the Quad, the roles of Australia, India and Japan within the Quad, and the future of the Quad. (59 min., 35 sec.)