Ayurveda and the Science of Yoga
VIEW EVENT DETAILSAsia Society Northern California, the Asian Art Museum, and the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine are pleased to partner on a three-part event series on Ayurveda—an ancient traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent—and the science of yoga. The events will be held in conjunction with the Asian Art Museum’s new exhibition, Yoga: The Art of Transformation (Feb. 21-May 25), which presents a visual history of yoga’s ascendance into a global phenomenon. Events are co-presented with the International Association of Yoga Therapists.
Dr. Qamar Adamjee, Associate curator for South Asian Art at the Asian Art Museum, Lecturer on Islam and South Asian Art and Architecture at UC Berkeley
Dr. Margaret Chesney, Director of UCSF’s Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, oversees programs emphasizing the combined use of modern medicine with traditional healing practices.
Dr. Anand Dhruva, Integrative medicine physician at the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine with a particular interest in Ayurvedic medicine and yoga and their applications in cancer treatments.
Chef Nalini Mehta, Food industry veteran and founder of Route to India, which offers classes on Ayurvedic culture and cuisine as well as culinary tours of India. Mehta aims to bring about a revival of Ayurveda and the art of holistic living.
Dive deep with the experts to learn the practice and science of yoga and the 5,000-year-old system of medicine called Ayurveda in a two-part lecture. Dr. Qamar Adamjee, Dr. Margaret Chesney, and Dr. Anand Dhruva, make use of artworks from the exhibition to discuss their origins and their health impacts.
The Ancient Science of Yoga
Saturday, March 8, 2:00—3:30 p.m.
Discover the body's seven energy centers (chakras) and learn about color and sounds associated with each.
FREE with museum admission!
The Modern Science of Yoga
Saturday, April 12, 2:00—3:30 p.m.
Learn about contemporary scientific research on the effects of yoga on mind and body and learn a few simple poses to do at home.
FREE with museum admission!
The Ayurvedic Kitchen: The Yoga of Culinary Spices
Thursday, April 17, 6:00—7:30 p.m.
Join Dr. Anand Dhruva and Chef Nalini Mehta for an evening of conversation and cuisine showcasing the Ayurvedic principles of cooking. Discover your mind-body type (dosha) and explore the origins and properties of Indian spices. Small tastings served.
TICKETS: $20 Asia Society/Asian Art Museum members; $25 non-members (includes museum admission)
To register click here.