New Hampshire
With a strong vision for workforce development, New Hampshire is developing global citizens through after-school programs and foreign language study. Read on.
World Languages
Based on certification data of NH public schools, virtually all high schools offer Spanish (75) and French (74). Latin is offered in 29 schools, German in 14, Chinese in 10, and one school offers Arabic and one other school offers Japanese. Three schools offer American Sign Language for World Language credit.
Workforce Development
Career & Technical Education (CTE) is learning that works for New Hampshire. CTE is helping our state and our nation meet the very real and immediate challenges of economic development, student achievement and global competitiveness. CTE is developing New Hampshire’s most valuable resource—its people; helping them gain the skills, technical knowledge, academic foundation, and real-world experience they need to prepare for high-skill, high-demand, high-wage careers—and keep New Hampshire working—in every sense of the word. CTE is leading change, transforming expectations and making the difference for students, for high schools and colleges, for business and industry, for New Hampshire.
The NH Afterschool Network is focusing its Mayoral Summit for Afterschool and Extended Learning on workforce development. This spring town and city leadership will be brought together to learn how they can act as liaisons between school/afterschool and business/industry within their communities.
Afterschool/Extended Learning
The NH Department of Education supports and encourages local school districts to adopt policies that encourage extended learning opportunities (ELOs). Extended learning means: the primary acquisition of knowledge and skills through instruction or study outside of the traditional classroom methodology. Rigorous ELOs—those that result in the highest levels of academic and personal learning for students—have 4 general components: research, reflection, product, presentation.
Establishing these four components in the ELO plan from the beginning helps the student to focus, gives them four natural ‘goals’ to aim for, and helps you to benchmark progress. These components also lend themselves nicely to varying assessment measures, both formative, as growth and learning are occurring, and summative, as the culminating assessment of the learning experience. The local school board is required to adopt and implement written policies and procedures relative to extended learning if the district plans to offer extended learning opportunities.
World Affairs Council of New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire Center for International Education
New Hampshire Association of World Language Teachers
Lynn Stanley, LICSW
[email protected]
Global Competence Resources
Asia Society Partnership for Global Learning and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) partnered to define global competence and the skills and abilities that students need to demonstrate to be globally competent.