Cobalt Refiner Supply Chain Due Diligence Standard (Version 2.0)
Guidelines for companies involved in cobalt supply chains.
Offers specific guidance to improve community engagement and environmental and social assessment and management (ESAM).
Cobalt Refiners should:
- Comply with host countries’ laws and regulations.
Cobalt Refiners should:
- Communicate with potentially affected parties as soon as possible.
- Establish regular communication mechanisms.
- Develop effective grievance mechanisms allowing any interested party to voice concerns without fear of retaliation.
- Strengthen engagement with suppliers.
- Consider ways to engage effectively with local communities.
- Establish partnerships with artisanal miners, local communities, governments, civil society organizations (CSOs)/nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and other stakeholders.
- Establish company management positions responsible for community participation.
- Implement community development plans with local stakeholders to promote community development.
- Create employment and/or livelihood opportunities for local community members.
- Support local economic development.
- Provide vocational and skills development training opportunities to local communities.
- Respect cultural traditions and religious beliefs.
- Protect the cultural heritage of communities.
Cobalt Refiners should:
- Conduct social impact assessments (SIAs).
- Set out clear, coherent processes for risk management.
- Conduct due diligence.
- Hire an independent third party to assess due diligence practices.
- Assist suppliers in improving their due diligence performance.
- Adopt appropriate mitigation measures in accordance with risk mitigation strategies.
- Disclose information on due diligence by posting updates on companies’ websites or relevant industry associations’ websites on an annual basis at the very least.
- Publish information about the risk management system, assessment summary report, and risk assessment and management.
August 2021
Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and Responsible Cobalt Initiative (RCI), which was formed in 2016 under the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals and Chemicals Importers & Exporters (CCCMC)