Australia-Japan: Stepping up a Special Strategic Relationship in Asia

‘Australia-Japan: Stepping up a special strategic relationship in Asia’ is a two-part project by Asia Society Australia and Asia Society Japan that seeks to highlight opportunities for increased Australia-Japan cooperation in Asia. The project will focus on the intersect between trade and economic regionalism and connectivity, and our geopolitical and security agendas in a more contested and competitive Southeast Asia.
This project will look specifically at areas where Australian and Japanese interests align, where they diverge in the Indo-Pacific, and where the opportunities are for the two countries to work more closely together to advance shared interests in the region.
Supported by the Australia-Japan Foundation in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the project will include public programs, private briefings, policy briefs and the appointment of Australia and Japan based Fellows who will offer subject-matter expertise and curate key activities.
Australia-Japan: Stepping up a special strategic relationship in Asia has received grant funding from the Australia-Japan Foundation of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. This project is undertaken in partnership with Asia Society Japan.