Monday, December 5, 2016
Executive Leadership Dinner (Invitation Only)
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Diversity Leadership Forum
1019 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Asian Pacific Americans (APA) make significant corporate contributions, but very few APAs reach the C-suite and efforts to harness this burgeoning talent segment stagnate. Why is this? To answer this question, Asia Society created the Asian Pacific Americans Corporate Survey in 2010 as a valuable tool for companies to define and analyze critical components of a favorable working experience for APA employees. The Diversity Leadership Forum (DLF) highlights the findings of the Survey and provides a vital platform for businesses and APA professionals to discuss the challenges of and innovative solutions to critical corporate diversity issues. The 8th Annual DLF was held at Asia Society’s headquarters in New York, focusing on the topic Powering Asian Talent: Leveraging Intersections to Drive Marketplace Solutions.
This year, Asia Society’s Northern California Center will host the first West Coast Diversity Leadership Forum, which will focus on the demographic, cultural, and business strengths and challenges of California and Silicon Valley, as well as:
- Opportunities for the development and advancement of APAs through pipelines into corporate executive leadership positions.
- The role of business resource groups [BRGs] and employee resource groups (ERGs) in leveraging talented pools of APA employees.
- How APA mid-level employees can harness their talent and skills to become leaders in their fields.
- Becoming an employer of choice for other underrepresented groups, including minorities, women, and LGBTQ employees.
- Providing networking opportunities with industry leaders, business line managers, executive sponsors of APA BRGs, and other professionals.
Who Should Attend
- Asian Pacific American line managers and other executives who are responsible for growing global market share.
- Asian Pacific American business executives who have Profit &Loss responsibility and contribute to growing shareholder value.
- Executive sponsors of Asian Pacific American business resource groups [BRGs] as well as their cohort leaders who contribute to the bottom line and demand innovative strategies.
- Business leaders, Chief Diversity Officers, and senior HR tasked with implementing training and development programs.
- Asia Pacific American professionals with an interest in developing the skills necessary for corporate advancement
Buck Gee, Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Sydnie Kohara, Kohara Group
Anna Mok, Deloitte
Linda Akutagawa, Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics
Miguel Oropeza Caballero, Stanford University
Darlene Chiu Bryant, China SF
Fiona Ma, California State Board of Equalization
Lorna Randlett, Leaders Forum
Khatharya Um, University of California, Berkeley
Les Wong, San Francisco State University
