As one of Asia’s largest economies and a treaty ally of the United States, South Korea holds abundant influence in the region. ASPI’s South Korea work focuses on promoting strong U.S.-South Korea relations and enhancing South Korea’s cooperation with other regional actors to promote prosperity, security, and sustainability in the Asia-Pacific. For instance, ASPI’s Toward a Northeast Asia Carbon Market initiative provides a roadmap for linking carbon markets between Japan, China, and South Korea. ASPI is also currently engaged in an initiative to develop concrete ideas to advance the U.S.-Korea economic relationship. Given the immense challenges coming from South Korea’s northern neighbor, the U.S.-Korea alliance and stability on the Korean Peninsula are also key areas of focus for ASPI. ASPI convenes policy dialogues and panel discussions, contributes analysis, policy recommendations and expert commentary to deepen understanding of South Korea and its impact on the region.
Featured Initiatives
ASPI initiative to create a roadmap for linking the carbon markets in China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.
An initiative aimed at promoting economic integration in the Asia-Pacific.
articleBryanna Entwistle and Meghan Murphy explore the results of the overlapping ASEAN summits.
paperEmma Chanlett-Avery, Duyeon Kim, and Yuka Koshino analyze what's at stake for alliances in Northeast Asia in the 2024 U.S. election.
articleKey takeaways from ASPI's roundtable of experts and scholars on the causes and implications of rapidly aging populations and shrinking societies in major East Asian economies.
speechAsia Society Policy Institute Director of Asia-Pacific Sustainability Alistair Ritchie presented at the International Workshop for Joint Efforts to Respond to the Climate Crisis on Emissions Trading Systems in Asia.
articleRaunaq Chandrashekar and Meera Gopal discuss how green hydrogen can accelerate climate ambition and economic growth in Asia.
articleBetty Wang analyzes how climate issues have shown up in recent elections in Asia and how electoral outcomes will influence future climate progress.
paperEmma Whitmyer explores South Korea's National Assembly elections and what it means for the country.
reportA new report on Asia's substantial market opportunities for green hydrogen electrolyzers.
articleJane Mellsop provides an analysis of the recently released IPEF agreement texts.
reportDaria Kurushina explores Japan-ROK-China relations after the Fukushima wastewater release.