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Pemangku Kepentingan

China Chamber of Commerce of I/E of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-products (CFNA)


CFNA mengoordinasikan, memandu, mendorong, merundingkan, dan menawarkan layanan untuk bahan pangan dan hasil bumi lokal. Lembaga ini mendorong terciptanya pasar yang wajar dan teratur, melindungi hak dan kepentingan perusahaan anggota, membantu para anggotanya dalam menjelajahi pasar internasional, dan mendorong pembangunan di industri yang bersangkutan.


Pada bulan Juni 2021, CFNA memiliki lebih dari 6.800 anggota, di mana 69 di antaranya menduduki komite pendiri eksekutif dan 161 di antaranya menduduki komite eksekutif.

Sumber(-sumber) Deskripsi

Adapted from China Chamber of Commerce of Foodstuffs and Native Produce (CFNA), “Who Are We,” accessed in 2022, View the Website.

Alamat(-alamat) Email

Beijing Office: [email protected]
Administrative Office: [email protected]
General Aairs and Legal Service: [email protected]
Information, Membership and Liaison: [email protected]
Business Development: [email protected]

Situs Web
Alamat(-alamat) Kantor

4th Floor, Talent International Building, No. 80 Guangqumennei Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100062, People's Republic of China

Alamat(-alamat) Surat-menyurat

China Chamber of Commerce of I/E of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-products, Talent International Building, No. 80 Guangqumennei Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100062, People's Republic of China

Nomor(-nomor) Telepon

Beijing Office: +86 10-8710-9883
Administrative Office: +86 10-8710-9821
General Affairs and Legal Service: +86 10-8710-9827
Information, Membership and Liaison: +86 10-8710-9883
Business Development: +86 10-8710-9884 / +86 10-8710-9873

Nomor(-nomor) Faks

Beijing Office: +86 10-8710-9826
Administrative Office: +86 10-8710-9814
General Affairs and Legal Service: +86 10-8710-9834
Information, Membership and Liaison: +86 10-8710-9829
Business Development: +86 10-8710-9895