New Zealand Chapter Lead

Mitchell Pham, Class of 2008
New Zealand Technology Industry Association (NZTech)
Mitchell Pham is a tech innovation entrepreneur and a technology industry leader. In entrepreneurship, he is Co-founder and Director of the Augen Software Group in New Zealand and Kiwi Connection Tech Hub (KCTH) in Vietnam. He is also Co-founder and Advisor of Smart Links Swiss (SLS) in Europe and Lina.Network in Southeast Asia. In industry leadership, he is Chairman of the NZ Technology Industry Association (NZTech), the NZ Financial Innovation & Technology Industry Association (FinTechNZ), and the NZ ASEAN Business Alliance (ABA). He is also a co-founder of the NZ Software Association (NZSA), NZ Health IT Association (NZHIT), InsurTechNZ, WealthTechNZ, and Global InsurTech Alliance (GITA). In government work, Pham is an Honorary Advisor for the Asia New Zealand Foundation and a Beachheads Advisor for New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE). He is responsible for the formation of KCTH, a public-private-partnership collaboration between Augen, NZTT, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT). In community service, Pham is a co-founder and a trustee of the Auckland Refugee Family Trust (ARFT) and a board member of HOST International NZ.