Slow Art Tour│續章慢遊
Virtual Edition│線上版
Slow Art Day is a global event with a simple mission: help more people discover for themselves the joy of looking at and loving art. In this virtual edition of Slow Art Tour, audiences are encouraged to spend 5-10 minutes to look at the artwork closely and experience the work, and make discoveries.
How to participate?
Now you can engage in Slow Art Tour from home. A series of exhibition videos are available on ASHK social media. Each artwork is captured with details and narrated by the docent.
Each video is accompanied by artwork photos, prompts and questions to get you thinking more deeply and critically about the work.
The artwork│作品
If Sunset Had a Voice (Doomsday Preparation Plan) Vivian Qin │《若問夕陽(末日預備計劃)》覃小詩 (2020)
The installation is composed of a big round-shape screen with metal frame on a cuboid stand. Behind the screen, the light is projected onto the floor and create the contrast of light and shade. On the sides, two verses are swinging on the rebar coming out of two concretes bases. 作品由一個裝置在長方地座,帶有金屬框架的巨大圓形屏幕組合而成。光線投射到屏幕後的地上,形成強烈的光影對比。在兩側,兩句詩作摘錄從破損的混凝土底座長出的鋼筋下搖擺。
- The use of metal and concrete create a sense of heaviness; while the swinging verses, the shadows and the video projections are nihility.金屬和混凝土產生沉重感;擺動的詩作摘錄和陰影,以及視頻投影卻是虛無的。
- Look at the two verses, “Not losing to the rain, not losing to the wind". How do you feel about them? 看看兩句詩作摘錄:「不畏疾風,不懼迅雨。」你覺得怎樣?
- The video narrates the artist’s failed doomsday prepping attempts between ruins and her room. What do you see from the video? How does she prepare the doomsday? 影片記錄藝術家徘徊於廢墟及自己房間,進行一場徒勞無功的末日預備練習。從影片中你看到什麼?藝術家是如何準備世界末日?
- The artwork uses “Sunset” as its theme. How do you feel about sunset? How does sunset related to doomsday? 作品以「夕陽」為主題。你對夕陽有什麼感覺?夕陽與世界末日有何關係?
- Have you prepared for a disaster at home? What do you prepare? 在家中,你有否為災難準備?你會準備什麼?
- What is the most important thing to be prepared for a doomsday? 要為世界末日做準備的話,最重要的事情是什麼?
- When COVID-19 firstly hit your city, what did you prepare? 當COVID-19首次來襲你的城市時,你準備了什麼?
- What is your closest experience of doomsday? How did you feel? How did you handle it? 你最接近末日的經歷是什麼?感覺怎樣?你是怎麼處理?
- In your imagination, what would a doomsday be like? Why would it happen? 如果有世界末日,你認為會是怎樣?原因是什麼?
- Can we prevent the Doomsday? How? 我們可以阻止世界末日嗎?如何阻止?
Please visit our YouTube page for the program Shadow Hunter/ Sunset Catcher: Zoom Listening Party with Vivian Qin
請到我們的YouTube頁面觀看節目 追光捕影 / 斜陽獵人:覃小詩Zoom聆聽派對
- The artist has prepared several soundtracks which recorded the ambient sounds of different places. Can you identify them? 藝術家錄製了數個地方的環境聲。你分辨到這些聲音嗎?
- During the Listening party, Vivian showed several images of sunset. When was the last time you saw a sunset? Where were you? How did you feel? 在聆聽派對中,覃小詩展示了數張日落的影像。你最近一次看日落是什麼時候?在哪裡?有什麼感覺?
- What kind of feeling does the sunset give you? What is the most beautiful sunset you have ever seen? What color was the sky? How did you feel? 日落給你什麼樣的感覺?你看過最漂亮的日落是什麼樣?天空是什麼顏色?你有什麼感覺?
- What kind of music you will think of when you see the sunset? 看到日落時,你會想到哪種音樂?
- Let’s give yourself a small task: next time when you see the sunset, spend a little time and appreciate it - its color, your mood, and sing a song in your head. 讓我們給自己一個小任務:當再次看到日落時,花一點時間欣賞一下----它的顏色,自己的心情,和在腦海中的歌曲