The Hong Kong Jockey Club Presents: Light and Shadows - Caravaggio • The Italian Baroque Master | 香港賽馬會呈獻: 光·影:意大利巴洛克藝術大師·卡拉瓦喬

For the first time in Asia and for a strictly limited season, the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong and the Asia Society Hong Kong Centre, with the generous support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, are proud to present Light and Shadows — Caravaggio • The Italian Baroque Master. The exhibition will be held from March 12 to April 13, 2014.
This is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see one of the most famous paintings in the world, by one of the greatest artists of our time and a pioneer of modern painting. The exhibition also brings Hong Kong audiences up-close with one of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio's most important works, Supper at Emmaus.
A haunting Baroque masterpiece, Supper at Emmaus (1605-06) was painted during a dark period in the artist's life when he was exiled after committing an act of manslaughter. It depicts Jesus Christ revealing himself to his disciples following his resurrection, in the town of Emmaus. It is a portrait of a flawed humanity, vulnerable to sin and expresses the artist's desire for salvation offered by faith in Christ.
Also on display are contemporary works by four Hong Kong artists — Chow Chun-fai, So Hing-keung, Tsang Kin-wah, and Wucius Wong — which showcase how techniques found in Caravaggio's paintings were adopted centuries later. The exhibition is curated by Professor Frank Vigneron of the Department of Fine Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Organized around the themes of "shadows," "theatricality," "mystery," and "realism," this exhibition illustrates different characteristics of Caravaggio's style, which were so influential that they shaped the painting practices of many later European artists.
"Shadows" emphasize aesthetic choices rooted in the European liturgical tradition of its time; Tsang Kin-wah's projection of moving texts both relates to darkness as a setting and illustrates its ideological content.
"Theatricality" not only relates to the use of strong contrasts between light and darkness but also to the choice of powerful and simple gestures to accentuate the action of the painting; the photographic montages of Chow Chun-fai are a very personal take on this dramatic style.
"Mystery" represents the sense of spirituality emanating from Caravaggio's paintings; Wucius Wong's paintings exemplify a philosophical choice rooted in a concept borrowed from Taoist philosophy that can be compared to the darkness of Christian cosmology.
"Realism" is a characteristic of Caravaggio's painting that has had a profound influence on the whole of European art; the photographic portraits of So Hing-keung are reminiscent of Caravaggio's interest in using the disenfranchised as models for his historical and religious figures.
Through the interaction of Caravaggio's famous painting with works by four Hong Kong artists, each representing an aspect of contemporary art practices, audiences can experience a contemporary perspective on the art of one of the greatest and most influential artists of all time.
Thanks to the initiative and support of the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong and Macau and the Italian Cultural Institute that have made the exhibition possible, in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism and Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan.
Co-organizers | Exclusive Sponsor |
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Supporting Organizations

意大利駐香港領事館及亞洲協會香港中心攜手合作,香港賽馬會慈善信託基金獨家贊助,呈獻亞洲區前所未有的第一次,在2014年3月12日至4月13日一個月有限期內,於金鐘的亞洲協會藝術館舉辦 「光•影—意大利巴洛克藝術大師•卡拉瓦喬」展覽。
這是香港觀眾一生難得一次的良機:能近距離欣賞殿堂級巴洛克風格大師之一、現代油畫的先驅—米開朗基羅•梅里西•達•卡拉瓦喬(Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio)其中一幅重要的真跡—《以馬忤斯的晚餐》(Supper at Emmaus),絕對不容錯過。
感謝意大利駐香港及澳門領事館及意大利領事館文化處主動促成、並聯合Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism及米蘭布雷拉畫廊支持籌劃此展覽。
聯合策劃: | 獨家贊助: |
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Free Docent Tours: Registration is not required for the walk-in docent-led tours. Please kindly arrive earlier and wait at Asia Society Gallery reception for the tour to begin.
English | Cantonese | |
Fridays | 2:30 pm | 3:30 pm |
Saturdays | 2:30 pm | 3:30 pm |
Sundays | 2:30 pm |
3:30 pm |
Due to popular demand, the following additional sessions have been arranged:
March 29 (Saturday) – 5:30 pm (Putonghua)
March 30 (Sunday) – 5:30 pm (Putonghua)
April 5 (Saturday) – 10:30 am (English), 7:00 pm (Cantonese)
April 6 (Sunday) - 10:30 am (English), 5:30 pm (Putonghua), 7:00 pm (Cantonese)
April 12 (Saturday) - 10:30 am (English), 5:30 pm (Putonghua), 7:00 pm (Cantonese)
April 13 (Sunday) - 10:30 am (English), 5:30 pm (Putonghua), 7:00 pm (Cantonese)

英語導賞團 | 粵語導賞團 | |
星期五 | 2:30 pm | 3:30 pm |
星期六 | 2:30 pm | 3:30 pm |
星期日 | 2:30 pm | 3:30 pm |
3月29日(星期六) - 5:30pm (普通話)
3月30日(星期日) - 5:30pm (普通話)
4月5日(星期六) - 10:30am (英語), 7:00pm (粵語)
4月6日(星期日) - 10:30am (英語),5:30pm (普通話),7:00pm (粵語)
4月12日(星期六) - 10:30am (英語),5:30pm (普通話),7:00pm (粵語)
4月13日(星期日) - 10:30am (英語),5:30pm (普通話),7:00pm (粵語)
A 6-month of Italian art and cultural educational program, made possible by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust’s donation, has been organized as an extension of the exhibition to arouse the public interests on Caravaggio’s works and Italian arts.
Caravaggio’s Supper at Emmaus Inspired Drawing Competition
Little Caravaggio – Light and Shadows Multimedia Learning App Workshops
Caravaggio Art Jam
Ink Experiments workshop
Photography and Caravaggio Workshop
Drawing Activities at Landscape Terrace
Italian Cultural Pioneer in China – Matteo Ricci Adventure Workshop
A Master in Transition: Caravaggio's second Supper at Emmaus and its legacy
Meditating in Painting: Spiritual Art of the East and the West in the 17th century
Caravaggio and the Science of Light
Continuity & Creativity: Inspirations from the Classics
Caravaggio Drawing Tours
Exhibition Tours for Visually Impaired Groups
Secret Dialogues -a role playing sound recording game
Discovering Caravaggio- a treasure hunt
My Sound Journey to Emmaus – a sound walk
Little Caravaggio多媒體學習程式
王無邪 - 水墨創作工作坊
Dear God攝影工作坊
Caravaggio and the Science of Light
Caravaggio Drawing Tours
Exhibition Tours for Visually Impaired Groups
In association with Light and Shadows — Caravaggio • The Italian Baroque Master exhibition, Asia Society Hong Kong Center has developed Little Caravaggio, a multi-platform interactive learning app. The app is designed based on Caravaggio’s virtuosic techniques such as chiaroscuro – with the application of chiaroscuro filters, and drawing tools based on Caravaggio’s color palette.
In additional, Asia Society Hong Kong Center has hosted 8 sessions of Little Caravaggio - Light and Shadows Multimedia Learning App Workshop at Pacific Place to demonstrate how to create your very own Baroque style masterpiece with this app. If you missed out on our workshops previously, download our Little Caravaggio app now from iTunes or Google Play store and follow the demonstration video below.
Artworks created in our Little Caravaggio - Light and Shadows Multimedia Learning App Workshops
為配合「香港賽馬會呈獻:光•影—意大利巴洛克藝術大師•卡拉瓦喬」展覽舉行,亞洲協會香港中心推出了「Little Caravaggio多媒體學習程式」。此程式是根據卡拉瓦喬的藝術性技巧如明暗對比法而設計,讓使用者能畫出像卡拉瓦喬大師般的作品。
亞洲協會香港中心早前還在太古廣場舉辦了8場免費的「Little Caravaggio多媒體學習程式工作坊」,指導參加者如何創作出具巴洛克風格的作品。如果您錯過了早前的工作坊,可以參考以下的程式示範短片。現在就到iTunes和Google Play商店下載Little Caravaggio程式吧!
「Little Caravaggio多媒體學習程式工作坊」參加者的作品
Culture meets couture: Caravaggio masterpiece previews... at Hong Kong mall, South China Morning Post, February 25, 2014.
A Masterpiece in Our Midst: Caravaggio’s Supper at Emmaus is Coming to Hong Kong, Localiiz, March 4, 2014.
卡拉瓦喬名作《以馬忤斯的晚餐》首現香港, 《文匯報》, March 5, 2014.
Be careful with that! Caravaggio masterpiece worth HK$640 million is unpacked in Hong Kong, South China Morning Post, March 10, 2014.
The Supper at Emmaus by Caravaggio in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Tatler, March 11, 2014.
巴洛克革新者卡拉瓦喬 — 亞洲協會「光.影」展覽, 《藝頻》, March 11, 2014.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Presents Light and Shadows by Caravaggio and Contemporary Works by 4 Local Artists, WCity, March 12, 2014.
In Light of Caravaggio, 卡拉瓦喬的光影故事, Sotheby's, March 26, 2014 / March 24, 2014.
卡拉瓦乔名作现身香港 保额6亿港元(图), CCTV, March 25, 2014.
意大利國寶名畫重現巴洛克風格 《以馬忤斯的晚餐》妙用光暗繪神情, 《星島日報》, April 1, 2014.
《以馬忤斯的晚餐》看巨匠傑作, 《太陽報》.
Press Release 新聞稿

Q1: Do I need a ticket for the exhibition?
A: Yes, for security and conservation reasons, everyone needs a ticket for the exhibition. Tickets are free.
Q2: How do I get a ticket for the exhibition?
A: As our collaboration with Pacific Place ends with an impressive 20,000 plus people having queued up for tickets to the Light and Shadows exhibition, we have partnerships in place with Hysan and sky100 Hong Kong to ensure the public continues to have easily accessible locations – in addition to Asia Society Hong Kong Center – to obtain tickets for the show.
From now until the end of the exhibition, free admission tickets are available from the Lee Gardens and Lee Gardens One Concierge Desks. Tickets will also be available from sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck 1/F Ticket Centre from April 1. Don’t miss this opportunity to see this remarkable Baroque masterpiece. Tickets are limited, first-come-first-served.
由即日起至展覽結束 ,門票將於利園及利園一期的客戶服務處免費派發;在4月1日起,大家亦可到天際100香港觀景台1樓票務大堂索取門票。門票數目有限,先到先得 - 不要錯過這個欣賞巴洛克藝術名作的機會!
Q3: How many tickets can I get?
A: Each person can get maximum 10 tickets for any designated day.
Q4: Can I just show up at the Asia Society Hong Kong Center without a ticket and see the exhibition?
A: Everyone needs a ticket. To avoid having to wait or line up at the Asia Society Hong Kong Center, we recommend from now until Sunday April 13, to get your tickets from Lee Gardens, Lee Gardens One and sky100 Hong Kong to make sure you get in to see the exhibition! You may also get tickets at the Asia Society Hong Kong Center but you may need to wait. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
Q5: How will visitor’s traffic and crowd control management be done during the exhibition?
A: As we expect a great number of visitors for this exhibition, especially at weekends, for security and conservation reasons, visitors may be required to wait for 20 to 30 minutes before getting into the Gallery when the venue reaches its maximum capacity. For your enjoyment pleasure, we encourage visitors to visit the exhibition on weekdays, and from 9am to 12 noon or after 5pm on weekends. We aim to minimize the waiting period but your patience is highly appreciated.
答:由於本中心預計展覽將吸引大量參觀者,當中以周末最為繁忙,基於保安及文物保育理由,當藝術館錄得其最高可容納人數時,各參觀者有可能需要在館外輪候20至30分鐘方能入場。為讓 閣下能好好享受欣賞展覽的過程,本中心建議參觀人士在平日,及周末上午9時至中午12時或下午5時後到訪。本中心將盡量減少各位的輪候時間,敬請耐心等待。
Q6: What are the hours of exhibition?
A: Monday to Sunday 9am to 9pm (last admission to Asia Society Hong Kong Center at 8 pm and to Asia Society Gallery at 8:30pm)
Plan Your Visit
9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong
亞洲協會香港中心 香港金鐘正義道九號