Hidden Forests Summer Project |《尋林覓趣》夏日計劃

Asia Society Hong Kong Center presents Hidden Forests, a summer arts and culture project offering many events, programs and experiences for all ages. Focusing on local ecology, Hidden Forests celebrates Hong Kong’s trees and biodiversity and promotes the importance of caring for the environment. Inspired as a response to Hong Kong’s devastating loss of trees caused by the tropical cyclone Typhoon Mangkhut in September 2018, Hidden Forests includes an art exhibition, a music series, community workshops and nature tours that explore the significance of trees to our local environment, culture and history. The cross-disciplinary program brings together local artistic talent and expert ecologists to strengthen public awareness about forestry and biodiversity in Hong Kong.
亞洲協會香港中心舉辦《尋林覓趣》夏日藝術文化計劃,為公眾帶來一系列合家歡的活動和體驗。通過探索本地生態,以關注香港林木和生物的多樣性,從而推廣環境保育的重要。 超強颱風「山竹」在2018年9月吹襲香港,摧毀大量樹木。《尋林覓趣》正受此事所啓發,以藝術展覽、一系列音樂活動、社區工作坊和生態導賞團等節目,探討樹木本地文化、歷史和環境的重要性。《尋林覓趣》匯集本地與國外藝術創作者和生態學專家,透過跨界的活動加強公眾對保育香港森林和生態多樣的意識。
Check out a video recap of our Opening Ceremony & Environmental Fun Day (Saturday, July 6, 2019) below!
To See the Forest and the Trees | 見樹亦見林

In response to Hong Kong’s devastating loss of trees caused by the tropical cyclone Typhoon Mangkhut in September 2018, this exhibition explores the role and significance of trees within our environment, culture and history. Inspired by the expression, “cannot see the forest for the trees,” which describes when one fails to grasp the big picture by focusing only on a certain aspect, the exhibition addresses the urgency to preserve the well-being and future of our planet in dire geological decline. Through artworks by Allora & Calzadilla, Sally Bunker, South Ho, Vvzela Kook, Post Tree Lifestyle, James Prosek, Frank Tang, Natee Utarit, Haley Alexander van Oosten and Trevor Yeung; an Ode to Trees music series curated by Project 21st, founded by Hong Kong based composer Charles Kwong and Sharon Chan and other community education programs, this exhibition promotes the importance of environmental protection to engineer a sustainable future.
以回應颱風山竹於2018年9月吹襲香港,對城市林木造成摧毀性影響,本展覽探索香港林木生態對城市環境、文化與歷史的重要性。「見樹不見林」,意旨過於注重細節,而忽略整體大局;啟發自這諺語,是次展覽提出人類與大自然共生共融的關係,及保育環境生態的逼切性。展覽包括Allora & Calzadilla、Sally Bunker、何兆南、曲倩雯、樹後生活、James Prosek、鄧啟耀、纳提·尤塔瑞、Haley van Oosten及楊沛鏗的藝術作品,同時配合由鄺展維策劃的音樂系列以及其他公共教育項目。
View To See the Forest and the Trees brochure online.

The exhibition is made possible with generous support from Burger Collection, Hong Kong and Boris Yeung and Amy Ng. Additional support is provided by Moiz Zilberman, Pegi and Michael Touff, and Rosewood Hong Kong.
展覽承蒙香港 Burger Collection 及 Boris Yeung 和 Amy Ng 贊助。亦感謝 Moiz Zilberman、Pegi 和 Michael Touff 及香港瑰麗酒店支持。

South Ho (b. 1984, Hong Kong) is a photographer who explores social issues, values, and the nature of life with his images. Ho graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a Higher Diploma in Social Work and has worked for various local magazine publications, as both editor and photographer. Since 2007, Ho has been actively participating in photography exhibitions. In 2008, he took part in “Imaging Hong Kong Contemporary Photography Exhibition”. His series Into Light was selected in the “Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Awards 2009” and was then adopted into the collection of Burger Collection, Hong Kong Heritage Museum and the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts in Japan. He was also nominated for the Société Générale Chinese Art Awards 2010 and selected as finalist of The Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2011. Apart from pursuing his own artistic career, he is also involved in other public art projects. In 2013, he co-founded 100ft. PARK, which is a non-profit art space dedicated to providing an open platform for artists and art lovers to exhibit and share creative thoughts.
攝影師何兆南(1984年生於香港)透過影像探討社會議題、價值觀及生命的本質。他畢業於香港理工大學 社會工作系,曾任本地雜誌編輯及攝影師。2007 年開始參與攝影展覽,於 2008 參與香港大型 攝影展覽《影像香港–當代攝影展》。2009 年獲得《香港當代藝術雙年獎 2009》年度獎,其 作品 《Into Light》已獲 The Burger Collection、香港文化博物館及日本 Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts 收藏。他曾獲「Société Générale Chinese Art Awards 2010」的提名,亦入圍「The Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2011」。何氏除了個人的攝影創作外,亦參與了不少的公共藝術計劃。2013 年他創辦了非牟利藝術空間《百呎公園》,促進藝術交流。

Vvzela Kook (b. 1990) is a Hong Kong-based new media artist who mainly works in audiovisual mediums, including performance, theatre, generative video and drawing. Her audiovisual works combine media with performance; they explore the possibility of coexistence between contemporary performance types, like dance or choreography, and computer-generated new media. Kook’s video works combine technology with her artistic practice to reproduce and convert urban cityscapes into an integrated virtual experience, guiding the audience on a cybernetic journey. The condensed textures in her works connect with multiple sensual levels in our perception and reintroduce the unexplored potential of video as a medium. Kook has participated and shown her works in PuSh Performing Art Festival in Vancouver(2017), Mill6 Foundation (2017), Microwave International Media Festival in Hong Kong (2016), K11 Shanghai (2016), Hong Kong Arts Festival (2015), Sound Art China Exhibition (2013), Frischzelle Festival and Dusseldorf Festival (2012), and “89+”program (2012) co-curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Simon Castets.
本地新媒體藝術家曲倩雯(1990年生)主要以聲音視覺作為創作媒介, 作品包括表演, 劇場演出, 衍生短片與繪畫。 她的創作融合表演和不同媒體,像是舞蹈、編舞、電腦製作媒體等等,以探索當代藝術與表演共存可能性。曲氏的影像作品結合了科技與藝術,把城市景觀轉換成虛擬現場,讓觀者體驗科幻虛擬之旅。她作品當中多重的紋理與我們感官的多個感知相連,重新帶出視頻媒介的潛力。曲氏曾於是不同場合展出作品,包括溫哥華PuSh Performing Art Festival(2017),香港Mill6 Foundation (2017),Microwave International Media Festival (2016),上海K11 (2016),Hong Kong Arts Festival (2015), Sound Art China Exhibition(2013), 德國Frischzelle Festival 和 Dusseldorf Festival(2012),還有 Hans Ulrich Obrist 和Simon Castets 共同的策劃的 “89+”計劃(2012)。

Frank Tang Kaiyiu (B. 1988, Hong Kong) uses Chinese painting and video installation as a means being provocative to human thoughts and daily behavior with nature. He received his Bachelor of Visual Arts from Academy of Visual Arts(AVA), HKBU in 2010. In 2014, he was invited to a 6-month residency in Zurich by The Zurich University of the Arts. He was awarded Grant Award by Muses Foundation (2012), the Louis Mak Chinese Painting Award (2012), AVA Award (2010), Yau Sang Cheong Chinese painting Award (2009). Tang has participated in exhibitions including, in “A Taste of Hong Kong” at Les Halles de Schaerbeek in Belgium (2016), 「音をめぐる場と表現」at Kyoto Art Center in Japan(2016), “China 8 - Tradition Today – Ink Painting and Calligraphy” at Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen in Germany(2015) and “Creating the future : Thinking About The Unthinkable” at Momentum in Germany(2015). His artworks have been exhibited in museums, art organizations and galleries in Germany, Switzerland, Japan, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
鄧啟耀(1988年生於香港)以中國畫和影像裝置來激發人類想象和自然與人的日常互動。他於2010年浸會大學視覺藝術院視覺藝術文學士學位畢業。他曾於2009年獲「友生昌中國繪畫獎」;2010年獲「視覺藝術創作獎」;2012年獲「麥羅武中國繪畫獎」及「美思堂文教基金」獎學金。2014年他獲邀到蘇黎世大學為期半年的藝術家駐留計劃。鄧氏參與了不少展覽,包括比利時Les Halles de Schaerbeek 的A Taste of Hong Kong(2016),日本Tokyo Art Center的音をめぐる場と表現 (2016),德國Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen的China 8 - Tradition Today – Ink Painting and Calligraphy,和Momentum的Creating the future : Thinking About The Unthinkable(2015)其作品見於德國、蘇黎世、台灣、深圳和香港的各個藝術館、藝術機構和畫廊。

Natee Utarit (b. 1970, Thailand) is a Thai artist best known for his photorealist paintings that subtly critique the socio-political dynamics of post-colonial Thailand. His neoclassical compositions often feature biblical and Buddhist symbols and anthropomorphize animals in the manner of Aesop’s Fables and George Orwell’s Animal Farm as a means to illuminate uncomfortable truths about contemporary society. Utarit’s work has been the subject of international solo and group exhibitions including at the Ayala Museum, Manila (2017); Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo (2015); Museum of Contemporary Art (now Kiasma), Helsinki (2001); and the Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane (1999). More recently, Utarit was a honoree for the 2019 Asia Arts Game Changers Awards.
Natee Utarit(1970年生於泰國)的照片寫實畫作最為人知,當中蘊含對戰後泰國的婉轉諷刺和社政變動的刻畫。他新古典構圖常加入聖經與佛教符號,還有人性化的動物圖像,并以伊索寓言和喬治·歐威爾的動物農場的方式,闡述當代社會令人擔憂的面向。Utarit經常參與不同的國際個人及團體展覽,包括馬尼拉the Ayala Museum(2017),東京當代美術館(2015),赫爾辛基當代藝術館(現稱Kiasma當代藝術館)(2010),布里斯班the Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art 和Queensland Art Gallery(1999)。Utarit更榮獲2019亞洲藝術創變者大獎。
Allora & Calzadilla (est. 1995, Puerto Rico) is an artist duo including Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla, who have developed an expansive and experimental body of work in the past twenty years. They use sculpture, performance, video, sound, and photography in varying combinations to evoke contemporary geopolitics, cultural artifacts, and the ‘deep time’ of archaeological history. Among their most important projects and exhibitions are: Unspecified Promise, Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, United States (2017); Allora & Calzadilla: Echo to Artifact, Art Gallery of Alberta (AGA), Edmonton, Canada (2016); Puerto Rican Light (Cueva Vientos), a DIA Art Foundation commission in the Southern Coast of Puerto Rico (2015); Intervals, Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Fabric Workshop and Museum, United States (2014); Fault Lines, Fondazione Nicola Trussardi at the Palazzo Cusani, Milan, Italy (2013); Gloria, US Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennial (2011).
藝術家組合Allora & Calzadilla 由Jennifer Allora 和Guillermo Calzailla於1995年創立於波多黎各。他們在過去二十間設計了大量的實驗性作品,包括雕塑、表演、影像、聲音和攝影作品組合。他們的試驗創作引發不同議題的探討,包括地緣政治、文化工藝甚至是久遠的考古歷史。Allora & Calzadilla曾參與不同重大的創作企劃和展覽,例如邁亞密Institute of Contemporary Art 的Unspecified Promise展覽 (2017); 加拿大Art Gallery of Alberta (AGA)的Allora & Calzadilla: Echo to Artifact展覽 (2016); Puerto Rican Light (Cueva Vientos), a DIA Art Foundation commission in the Southern Coast of Puerto Rico (2015); 美國費城美術館和Fabric Workshop and Museum的Intervals展覽(2014);米蘭Fondazione Nicola Trussardi的Fault Lines展覽(2013); 第54屆威尼斯雙年展美國館的Gloria展覽(2011)。

James Prosek (b. 1975) is an artist, writer, naturalist, and Yale graduate who has produced illustrations, paintings, sculptures and published books on diverse flora and fauna of the world. His publications include Trout: an Illustrated History (Alfred A. Knopf, 1996), which featured seventy of his watercolor paintings of the trout of North America; and Eels: An Exploration, from New Zealand to the Sargasso, of the World's Most Amazing and Mysterious Fish, published in September 2010 was a New York Times Book Review editor's choice, and is the subject of a documentary for PBS series "Nature" that aired in 2013. Prosek's work has been shown at Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, NY, Gerald Peters Gallery, NY and Santa Fe, The Royal Academy of Arts in London, The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA, The Yale Center for British Art, and the Smithsonian American Art Museum, with solo exhibitions at The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Ridgefield, CT, The Addison Gallery of American Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, The New Britain Museum of American Art, The Buffalo Bill Center of the West, The North Carolina Museum of Art and the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC among others. He has been an artist-in-residence at numerous institutions, including the Yale University Art Gallery, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and the Addison Gallery of American Art. Prosek is a curatorial affiliate, as well as on the board (Leadership Council), of the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale, and a member of the advisory board of the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies.
美國藝術家James Prosek(1975年生)畢業於耶魯大學,同時是一名作家和自然學家,他不僅會創作插圖、繪畫和雕塑,還有出版書籍,關於世界多元的動物和植物群。他曾出版Trout: an Illustrated History (Alfred A. Knopf, 1996),內容關於七十種北美鱒魚的水彩畫;Eels: An Exploration, from New Zealand to the Sargasso, of the World's Most Amazing and Mysterious Fish (2010年9月出版),曾被紐約時報書評列為編輯之選和2013年紀實節目PBS series “Nature”報導。Prosek的作品曾於不同地方展出,包括紐約Tanya Bonakdar Gallery、Gerald Peters Gallery 、Santa Fe、維珍尼亞The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts;英國 The Royal Academy of Arts in London、The Yale Center for British Art 及 the Smithsonian American Art Museum。 他的個人展覽包括 :里奇菲爾德Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum、 The Addison Gallery of American Art、費城藝術館、 The New Britain Museum of American Art、The Buffalo Bill Center of the West、The North Carolina Museum of Art 以及National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC。他曾為不同機構的藝術家駐留計劃, 包括the Yale University Art Gallery, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum 和the Addison Gallery of American Art. Prosek 是位專業策展人,他在耶魯大學Peabody Museum of Natural History工作, 另外還是Leadership Council的董事。他另外還是耶魯大學咨詢董事會一員向生物科學的專業提供幫助。
Haley Alexander van Oosten is a scent artist from Los Angeles, California. After immersing in the study of Japanese literature, she began to consider the possibility of translating the language of Nature. Haley founded the LA-based botanical fragrance design studio L’Oeil du Vert in 2005 with this intention. Distilling both the history and physicality of plants to their essence, her work explores the perspective of plants in guiding us to adapt and evolve to the subtle and cataclysmic planetary shifts upon us.
Haley Alexander van Oosten 是位駐洛杉磯的嗅觉藝術家,她以香水作为媒介,刺激人们的嗅觉,

Post Tree Lifestyle is a Hong Kong-based wood upcycling organization founded in 2018 in response to the aftermath of Typhoon Mangkhut. Started by Parry Ling, the organization is currently working with approximately 100 ton of post-typhoon tree debris, and engaging the local public in upcycling workshops, including wood block printing, sculpture carving and more, to repurpose fallen wood. Their mission is to ensure that "at the of a tree's life, we work to utilise all its resources, and to give back to the circle of life".
Sally Bunker has been based in Hong Kong since 1979. A full member of the Society of Botanical Artist UK, she is a professional botanical painter who has illustrated over hundreds of Hong Kong’s local flora biodiversity. Most recently, she has collaborated with Dr. Richard Saunders, Professor of the School of Biological Sciences, University of Hong Kong, on the book Portraits of Tress of Hong Kong and Southern China (April 2019).
Sally Bunker 由1979年開始在香港居住。作為Society of Botanical Artist UK的會員,她以專業植物畫家的身份繪製了過百張的香港本土生態。最近她與香港大學生物科學學院Richard Sauders博士合作,完成Portraits of Tress of Hong Kong and Southern China (2009年4月)一書。

Trevor Yeung (b. 1988) graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist Univrsity in 2010. Yeung’s practices uses botanic ecology, horticulture, photography and installations as metaphors that reference the emancipation of everyday aspirations towards human relationships. Yeung has participated in various exhibitions, including the Dhaka Art Summit (2018); The Other Face of the Moon at the Asia Culture Center, Gwangju (2017) and Sea Pearl White Cloud at the 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, Sydney (2016). In 2015, Yeung was shortlisted for the BMW Art Journey award for his solo exhibition Garden Cruising: It’s not easy being green, which was presented at Art Basel Hong Kong in 2015. His latest had solo exhibitions include the Blindspot Gallery in Hong Kong, Magician Space in Beijing, Last Tango in Zurich.
楊沛鏗(1988生)於2010年畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術學院。他採用植物生態、園藝、攝影和裝置來隱喻對人與人之間的關係而得到舒懷。楊以親密和個人的經歷為創作靈感,再將之轉化為圖像和大型裝置作品。他沉迷於結構和制度,並通過創造不同規模的系統,對系統中出現的生物、植物、動物,甚至觀眾施加控制。楊沛鏗近期參加的雙年展和群展包括中國UCCA沙丘美術館的開幕展“後自然”(2018)、第16屆意大利威尼斯國際建築雙年展的“Cruising Pavilion” (2018)、第38屆愛爾蘭EVA國際雙年展 (2018)、第4屆孟加拉達卡藝術峰會 (2018)、韓國光州亞洲文化藝術中心的“The Other Face of the Moon” (2017)及澳洲4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art的“海珠白雲” (2016)。2015年,楊氏的個人展覽Garden Cruising: It’s not easy being green入圍BMW Art Journey award,該展覽亦在2015香港巴塞爾藝術展展出。他最近也舉辦了不同的展覽,包括香港刺點畫廊、北京魔金石空間和蘇黎世Last Tango。
South Ho
Whiteness of Trees Series

The Whiteness of Trees photography series was taken by South Ho in the aftermath of Super Typhoon Mangkhut in September 2018. The artist visited different parts of Hong Kong to capture uprooted trees and broken branches, many of which were roadside casualties that blocked entire pavements obstructing traffic and pedestrians. While the city quickly regained its routine in the days after the typhoon, masses of tree debris still littered the streets. The stark contrast between fallen trees and towering buildings captured in these photographs makes us reflect on the precarious balance between the city and nature.
Vvzela Kook
Columbus of Horticulture
This animation stems from Vvzela Kook’s on-going research about the role of botany in the history of imperialism. Botanical science became an important part of empire-building for European countries during the 16th to 19th century, as maritime exploration often profited from the discovery of valuable exotic plants. This animation focuses on the British colonial “plant hunter,” who searched the empire’s colonies for precious plants and seeds to bring back to the royal botanical gardens. The story simulates the frenzied excitement of discovery, as well as the colonial desire to scour new botanical resources. While the animation imagines a fictional island, accompanying objects encased in glass vitrines model actual botanical specimens such as rubber tree, tea tree and orchid, all prized in the colonization of South America, India and Hong Kong.
A Travel to Hung Heung Loo in Dream

This painting results from Vvzela Kook’s ongoing research project Fragrant Little Haven. Over the past four year, Kook recorded 180 streets in Hong Kong named after plants and their respective ecological, agricultural or horticultural history. This painting combines her findings in a map that speaks to Hong Kong’s maritime history as a trading port and British colony. The title refers to Hong Kong by another colloquial name, “Hung Heung Loo,” which literally translates as “red incense burner.” This unofficial name appears on maps of Hong Kong dated as early as the
mid-Qing dynasty, in reference to a local mountain peak near Braemar Hill and to the folklore of the sea goddess Tin Hau. By conflating these 180 streets that were named and existed during different points of time in Hong Kong history, this painting takes one on a journey across a fictional city that intertwines official historical narratives and vernacular stories.
Frank Tang
Pocket Park Trio Series
In the Pocket Park series, Frank Tang uses research, painting and performance to map the physical and social properties of public parks that dot the Wan Chai neighborhood. Since public space in Hong Kong is very limited, many urban park designs are driven by the need to satisfy the greening ratio set by government guidelines. As result, “pocket-size” parks are found compressed between buildings or on street corners with minimal facilities and resting space. These paintings observe three different patches of resting space and draws attention to its confined layout, visitors, function, flora and fauna that make up a peculiar kind of urban ecosystem.
Natee Utarit
Adrian, Elaina, Jean
These paintings are part of a series that pays homage to the mid-19th century French Realist painter Theodore Rousseau, the leader of the Barbizon School, who is recognized for his majestic landscapes with an air of melancholy. During a 2017 residency in Barbizon, a southern suburb of Paris, Natee Utarit followed in Rousseau’s footsteps and painted the oak trees in the nearby Fontainebleau forest. Widely acclaimed for his conceptual canvases full of symbolism, Utarit presents a different side in these painstaking portraits of oak trunks. The closely observed tenderness and animated realism in the paintings reflect on the simple wonder and quiet majesty of man looking at nature.
James Prosek
Hong Kong Flora and Fauna

Based on field research and consultation with local ecologists, this 16-meter panoramic mural depicts Hong Kong’s diverse flora and fauna from the mountains to coastal mangroves. Illustrated like a field guide—a book designed to help identify wildlife—organisms are labelled, yet without an identification key. The absence of a key is intended to make us think about how we name and classify nature, and how nomenclature frames and filters our understanding of and interaction with plants and animals. What wildlife can you identify and which ones intrigue you to learn more?
Hong Kong Pictographs
Endangered Orchids Sculptures
Many of the 126 species of native Hong Kong orchids are endangered, largely because of deforestation, habitat fragmentation and illegal collecting. But native orchids still persist, and due to the work of conservation groups like Kadoorie Farmland Botanic Garden, hopefully they will long into the future.
Trevor Yeung
Yellow Rain

In June 2018, Yeung photographed a “Golden Shower” tree (cassia fistula) that had just blossomed before an impending typhoon. The installation combines the photograph with fabric adornment that mimics fallen flower petals and commemorate a personal encounter with natural beauty before it was lost.
在2018年6月,楊沛鏗在颱風前夕拍攝了一棵正在盛放的「豬腸豆」(cassia fistula)。這個攝影裝置將照片與仿似花瓣的布料裝飾結合,紀念那次個人與大自然美態一去不返的邂逅。
Sally Bunker
Illustrations of Nature

Sally Bunker is a professional botanical artist and through the years she has observed over a hundred local plant specimens and drawn illustrations from the wild. Her works are unique in that they not only include detailed depiction of flowers and fruits, but also the magnification of tree bark details. This illustration depicts the Bauhinia purpurea × variegata ‘Blakeana’, or Hong Kong orchid tree. It is an artificially propagated hybrid that is sterile and reliant on artificial propagation, generally by grafting onto the root-stocks of other Bauhinia species. It was adopted as the floral emblem of Hong Kong in 1965, and now appears on local banknotes and coins. As a sterile hybrid, this is arguably an inauspicious symbol for a city built on mixed Chinese and British heritage.
For the past seven years, Bunker has been working alongside Professor Richard Saunders and Dr Pang Chun-chiu, professors of Biological Sciences at Hong Kong University to recently publish A Portrait of the Trees of Hong Kong and Southern China--a beautifully illustrated, scientifically rooted, fun fact book that celebrates the historic trees of Hong Kong.
Sally Bunker是一位專業的植物繪畫家,多年來在實地繪畫了過百種本地植物。她的作品獨特在不但細膩地繪畫了花朵和果實,亦包括樹皮放大的細節。這幅作品描繪了香港洋紫荊,這品種於19世紀末在香港島的摩星嶺上被人發現。洋紫荊須由人工繁殖,以紅花羊蹄甲和宮粉羊蹄甲雜交而成。因為洋紫荊天生不育,因此現今所見的洋紫荊都是從摩星嶺上的遺株繁衍出來。洋紫荊於1965年正式被定為香港市花,現時經常以圖案形式出現於紙幣和硬幣之上。由於洋紫荊是不育的雜交植物,有人認為,對於結合中國及英國文化傳統的香港來說,這是不吉利的象徵。
Haley Alexander van Oosten
Ripening of Mangosteen: A Scent Offering in Fragments, 2019. Botanical fragrance (植物香薰). 4 unique scent atomizers with switch in wood, bronze and glass, 1 commercial scent diffuser with timer ( 4個噴霧器及1個香薰機).
This olfactory installation by artist Haley Alexander van Oosten explores the intangible effects of climatic change, specifically the devastation caused by Typhoon Mangkhut. The scent is made with essences extracted from uprooted mangroves collected after the typhoon in Shek-O along with seaweed, charred seashells and firewood, kalamansi and white flowers, and sacred incense woods. Dispersed in five atomizers in each chamber of the gallery, the scent fragments engage us to consider our intrinsic yet often invisible interconnections with nature. Mangkhut means mangosteen in Thai and the tropical fruit is distinguished by its necessity to ripen on the tree to yield its sweet sectional morsels. Like the fruit itself, the Ripening of Mangosteen is a site-specific botanical work. The title is an active description of the installation itself; it describes the instructions for the visitor to become part of the artwork. By turning the atomizer’s knobs to increase and decrease the intensity of the different scent segments, the scent merges and ripens in space. As each visitor engages with the installation and offers a new composite scent, the work is completed.
Allora & Calzadilla
The Great Silence
Through an expansive exploration of sound, this video by the Puerto Rican artist duo Allora & Calzadilla tells a story of animal extinction and scientific pursuit. The film is narrated from the perspective of critically endangered Puerto Rican parrots living in the Rio Abajo forest, which is also the site of the Arecibo Observatory. As the video alternates between images of Rio Abajo
and Arecibo’s radio telescope, the parrots reflect on how their habitat has been destroyed by humanity’s technological pursuits. The parrots regret that humans desire to communicate with extra-terrestrial species in outer space, but ignore other intelligent lifeforms on earth, such as themselves. Through personified parrots, this work questions the ecological cost of humanity’s technological endeavors.
波多黎各藝術家組合 Allora & Calzadilla 在這作品透過探索聲音,從頻臨絕種的波多黎各鸚鵡的角度,敘述一則關於動物絕種與科技發展的故事。波多黎各鸚鵡棲息的森林,也是阿雷西博天文台的所在。鸚鵡隨著錄像一邊切換森林與阿雷西博電波望遠鏡的片段,一邊思索家園如何被人類的科技發展摧毀。鸚鵡惋惜人類致力與外星人溝通,卻忽略地球上的高智能生物。透過擬人的鸚鵡,這作
Post Tree Lifestyle

Post Tree Lifestyle is a local wood upcycling organization founded by artist Parry Ling. This on-going participatory installation is built from woodblocks upcycled from post-Typhoon Mangkhut
tree debris. It features woodblocks carved with various cloud patterns from different Asian cultures made by members of the public. As more woodblocks are added to the work, it will grow into a giant cloud-like structure. Just as water and cloud are different states of the same substance, tree and wood are also different states of the same material. By using the concept of the water cycle as a metaphor to show how wood can be recycled, the installation aims to bring awareness about the process of urban wood upcycling, and congeal the community for environmental activism.
「樹後生活」是本地藝術家凌展騰創辦的舊木再造團體。 這個持續的參與式裝置,由超強颱風「山竹」過後收集的樹木殘枝,再造木塊組合而成。每件木塊上雕有不同文化的雲紋。隨著木塊增加,裝置會演變成一朵大雲般的結構。樹和木之間的關係,就好比水與雲一樣,皆是相同物質的不同狀態。作品以水循環作比喻,希望凝聚大眾,透過參與製作學習舊木再造,提高環保意識。
Free Admission
Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Former Explosives Magazine
9 Justice Drive Admiralty, Hong Kong
Opening Hours
Tuesday - Sunday: 11am - 6pm
Last Thursday of every month: 11am - 8pm
Closed on Mondays
Last admission 30 minutes before closing
亞洲協會香港中心 麥禮賢夫人藝術館
星期二至星期日: 上午11時至下午6時
最後入場 閉館前30分鐘
ASHK is presenting a series of learning programs as part of this exhibition. Details and online registration for the programs are below! Also check out our "Guided Tours" tab to see our gallery tour schedules and special guest led tours. To see more information about our gallery musical performances, look at the "Chamber Music Series" tab. We look forward to seeing you in our programs!
亞洲協會香港中心為配合展覽提供一系列公共教育活動! 查看我們的 "導賞團"網站,多了解有關於藝術家和特邀嘉賓帶領的導賞團。此外,查看我們的 “室內音樂系列”網站多了解我們畫廊的音樂表演。
Opening Family Event開幕合家歡活動
July 6, 2019: Environmental Fun Day (環保歡樂日)
Discussions and Lectures 座談會及講座
June 24, 2019: Hong Kong Trees: Species with a Story to Tell (香港樹木的故事)
July 3, 2019: Meet the Artist: James Prosek (藝術家對話:James Prosek)
September 5, 2019: Evening Presentation by Haley Alexander van Oosten
Workshops 工作坊
July 13, 2019: Flora Rubbing with Sally Bunker (Sally Bunker植物拓本)
July 14, 2019: Grow a Cloud! Woodblock Making & Installation (舊木「雲」集藝術裝置)
July 20, 2019: Grow a Cloud! Woodblock Making & Installation (舊木「雲」集藝術裝置) - CANCELLED
August 3, 2019: Flora Rubbing with Sally Bunker ( Sally Bunker植物拓本)
August 10, 2019: Grow a Cloud! Woodblock Making & Installation (舊木「雲」集藝術裝置)
September 7, 2019: Botanical Scent Workshop with Haley Alexander van Oosten (植物香水工作坊)
Nature Excursions大自然導賞
July 13, 2019: TREe-mails—message from our Urban Forest Friends (「TREe-mails」樹木有聲--聆聽城市中的樹木朋友)
July 28, 2019: TREe-mails—message from our Urban Forest Friends (「TREe-mails」樹木有聲--聆聽城市中的樹木朋友)
August 3, 2019: Urban Eco Tour (城市生態遊) –Cantonese
August 11, 2019: Urban Eco Tour (城市生態遊) –English
In-Gallery Programs藝術館內活動
July 28, 2019: “The Last Nut” – Storytelling by Gavin Coates (“The Last Nut” – Storytelling by Gavin Coates 講故事)
Hidden Forests Afternoon Tea
In collaboration with AMMO, ASHK presents an exclusive tea set inspired by the luscious
forest greenery that surrounds the site. Available at AMMO Restaurant from July 6 –
September 5, 2019 (Monday – Sunday, 3-5pm); priced at HK$428 for two, subject to a
10% service charge.
Ode to Trees | 頌樹詠林
Chamber music performance curated by Project 21st, founded by local composer Charles Kwong and Sharon Chan, featuring compositions inspired by trees and nature.
由鄺展維及陳楚珊創立的Project 21st 策劃室內音樂表演,演奏啟發自樹木和大自然的樂章。
Nature never ceases to inspire artists' creativity. Trees and forests are one of these muses who not only mothered many opuses of musicians, but also provide the very materials for their music making. As part of Hidden Forests, the Chamber Music Series Ode to the Trees features compositions inspired by trees and nature across different cultures and eras, presenting the vast imaginations and sonorities brought to us by the ontogenesis of woods.
大自然給予藝術家源源不絕的創作靈感。樹木與山林不止孕育了許多優美樂章,音樂家演奏所用的樂器及物料,許多亦是由此而來。《尋林覓趣》的室樂音樂系列《頌樹詠林》精選了在不 同文化及時代背景中,受樹木及大自然啟發而寫的作品,呈現樹林在死死生生的生命循環裏, 給予我們無窮想像與聲音可能。
Opening Performance: Children of the Trees
July 6, Saturday, 17:30-18:30
Free admission
Online registration required, please RSVP to [email protected] by July 5, 2019
需網上登記,請於7月5日或之前致電郵到[email protected]
Repertoire 曲目
- Edvard Grieg: Lyric Pieces Book X, Op.71 - No. 4 “Peace of the Woods” (1901) for solo piano 為鋼琴獨奏而寫
- John Cage: Child of Tree (1975) for solo percussion using amplified plant materials 為演奏擴音植物之敲擊獨奏而寫
- John Cage: Branches (1976) for percussion using amplified plant materials 為演奏擴音植物之敲擊而寫
- Tōru Takemitsu 武滿徹 : Rain Tree Sketch I (1982) & II (1992) for solo piano 為鋼琴獨奏而寫
- Charles Kwong 鄺展維 : Lachrymae《樹猶如此》(2016) for sextet 為六重奏而寫
Performers 演出:
Conductor & Percussion 指揮及敲擊 - Vicky Shin 冼宏基
Piano 鋼琴 - Colleen Lee 李嘉齡
Percussion 敲擊 - Ho Yi On 何怡安
Violin 小提琴 - Sunny Yeung 楊健文
Cello 大提琴 - Haedeun Lee
Flute & Piccolo 長笛及短笛 - Tete Bae
Clarinet 單簧管 - Fung Yat Shan 馮逸山
Performance II: Bamboos, Birds, and Woods
July 21, Sunday, 17:30-18:30
Online registration required, please RSVP to [email protected] by July 19, 2019
演出 II: 竹、鳥、林
需網上登記,請於7月19日或之前致電郵到[email protected]
Repertoire 曲目
- Chan Hing-yan 陳慶恩 : Impressions of Bamboo《竹之斷想》(1998/2000) for violin and dizi 為小提琴及笛子而寫
- Daniel Lo 盧定彰 : YouHuang《幽篁》(2014) for solo violin 為小提琴獨奏而寫
- Liu Guanyue 劉管樂 : Birds in Shade《蔭中鳥》 for solo dizi 為笛子獨奏而寫
- Tōru Takemitsu 武滿徹 : In the Woods (1995) for solo guitar 為結他獨奏而寫
Performers 演出:
Violin 小提琴 - Kitty Cheung 張文蕊
Dizi 笛子 - Ricky Yeung 楊偉傑
Guitar 結他 - Mario To 杜子駿
Performance III: Sounds of Guqin - Introduction to the Chinese zither
August 17, Saturday, 17:30-18:30
Online registration required, please RSVP to [email protected] by August 16, 2019
演出 III: 「琹」聲穆穆 - 中國七絃琴初探
需網上登記,請於8月16日或之前致電郵到[email protected]
A presentation performance of guqin led by KAISAN, who will share an array of topics on the ancient instrument. Presentation conducted in Cantonese.
「琹」聲穆穆 - 中國七絃琴初探:
- 格物致知 - 由來 與 結構
- 梓桐清音 - 選材、成器 與 載道
- 曲調音色 - 虛實並蓄的線條
- 空間建造 - 「江湖」與「山林」
Repertoire 琴曲示範
- 《耕莘釣渭》
- 《漁樵問答》
- 《平沙落雁》
Performer & Speaker 演出及講者:
Closing Performance: and the forest also gazes into you (Word Premiere)
September 7, Saturday, 17:30-18:30
Online registration required, please RSVP to [email protected] by September 7, 2019
閉幕演出: 《樹林也在凝視著你》
需網上登記,請於9月8日或之前致電郵到[email protected]
Repertoire 曲目
- Robert Schumann: Waldszenen, Op.82 (1849) for solo piano 為鋼琴獨奏而寫
- Kaija Saariaho: Sept Papillons - Movements IV, V & VI (2000) for solo cello 為大提琴獨奏而寫
- Pauline Oliveros: Tree/Peace (1984) for violin, cello and piano 為小提琴、大提琴及鋼琴而寫
- Charles Kwong 鄺展維 : and the forest also gazes into you 《樹林也在凝視著你》 (2019, world premiere 世界首演) for violin, cello and piano 為小提琴、大提琴及鋼琴而寫
Performers 演出:
Violin 小提琴 - Kitty Cheung 張文蕊
Cello 大提琴 - Chor Kai Hei 左啟希
Piano 鋼琴 - Timothy Kwok 郭家豪
We provide free regular guided tours in Cantonese and English with a capacity up to 25 people on a first-come, first-served basis. Guided tours last an hour and includes a viewing of the exhibition as well as the unique trees within the rainforest of ASHK.
English 英語 |
Cantonese 廣東話 |
Tree Thursdays! *Curator and/or artist led tours* Check here for detailed schedule. |
11:00 | 11:00 |
Every Saturday 逢星期六 |
14:30 |
15:30 |
Every Sunday 逢星期日 |
14:30 |
15:30 |
Every Last Thursday of the Month 每月最後一個星期四 |
19:00 |
Special Guest Led Tours: 藝術家和特邀嘉賓帶領的導賞團
July 18, 2019: Take a Mindful Walk with Lynsey Peisinger (Tree Thursdays, 11:00am)
School and group tours
School and group tours in Cantonese or English are offered during exhibition opening hours upon request. Schools, registered charities and community groups and other non-profit organizations are welcome to book tours. 15 to 20 participants are needed to reserve a school or group tour. For group or school tours, please send an email to us at least 2 weeks in advance to request an appointment.
《大氣候》, 香港電台網站 (Radio Television Hong Kong), 13:30-14:00. Live Interview with Joyce Wong (Curator) and Dr. Pang (Consultant of the exhibition) for the Hidden Forests Summer Festival, June 8, 2019.
藝林尋樂趣, Headline Daily, July 10, 2019.
夏日藝林尋樂趣 探索生態, Sing Tao Daily, July 11, 2019.
First Look: Asia Society's New Exhibition Is Inspired By Hong Kong's Natural Wonders, Hong Kong Tatler, July 11, 2019.
Appreciate nature more is message for Hong Kong in artist's mural inspired by Typhoon Mangkhut, South China Morning Post, July 15, 2019.
To See the Forest and the Trees, Artsy, July 22, 2019.
To See the Forest and the Trees, Coconuts Hong Kong, July 22, 2019.
見樹亦見林, art-mate.net, July 22, 2019.
見樹亦見林, Timable, July 22, 2019.
To See the Forest and the Trees, Timable, July 22, 2019.
To See the Forest and the Trees, ArtRabbit, July 23, 2019.
「見樹亦見林」關注環保, 大公網, July 24, 2019.
一場「山竹」颱風啟發的藝術展「見樹亦見林」關注環保, 大公網, July 24, 2019.
【暑期好去處】多感官體驗展覽探討植物與本地文化 免費入場推介5大必看展品, TOPick, July 25, 2019.
樹木的故事 《見樹亦見林》多感官展覽, Hong Kong Economic Times, July 25, 2019.
樹林的故事「見樹亦見林」多感官展覽, Hong Kong Economic Times, July 25, 2019.
Exhibitions, South China Morning Post, July 25, 2019.
Hidden Forests Summer Project - Asia Society Hong Kong, Expat Living, July 27, 2019.
PRESS KIT | 傳媒資訊
Download English Press Release | Chinese Press Release
View To See the Forest and the Trees brochure online | 展覽畫冊下載
For more information, please contact: 如需要更多的相關資訊,請聯繫:
May Tam 譚嘉怡 | Tel 電話: +852 2103 9559 | Email 電郵: mediahk @ asiasociety.org
Visit the Asia Store for items related to Hidden Forests events and To See the Forest and the Trees exhibition. Please contact ExhibitionsHK @ asiasociety.org for online purchase enquiries.
Vvzela Kook's Bags: Mountain Spirit (山鬼), Melting Ice (流凘), Fragrant Haven (芳洲)

Price: $200 per bag (pre-order only)
Vvzela Kook's custom made limited edition bags are made of iridescent fabric, and decorated with designs pertaining to her artwork in the To See the Forest and the Trees exhibition. The designs of the bag is based on her animation Columbus of Horticulture, which stems from Vvzela Kook’s on-going research about the role of botany in the history of imperialism. Viewers are immersed in a psychedelic world of British colonial “plant hunters” who searches the empire’s colonies for precious plants and seeds to bring back to royal botanical gardens. Each bag is individually screen printed by the artist herself. Due to limited stocks, the bags are available for pre-order. Kook's aesthetic designs are perfect for the summer, order yours now!
Check out Vvzela's website here!
James Prosek's Limited Edition Print
Price: $38,000HKD (unframed for editions 1-5), $45,000 (unframed for editions 6-10)
Based on field research and consultation with local ecologists, Hong Kong Pictographs is a silkscreen print depicting Hong Kong’s diverse fauna from the mountains to coastal mangroves. Created on the occasion of the exhibition "To See the Forest and the Trees," the illustration takes inspiration from animal field guides—books designed to help identify wildlife—and depicts different species in silhouette. The print features extinct, critically endangered and common wildlife of Hong Kong past and present. Each animal bears a story about the ecological history of Hong Kong, for instance the south China tiger which used to roam local mountains up until the early 20th century; the yellow-crested cockatoo which are critically endangered in their native Indonesia but now thriving in Hong Kong; and the regionally beloved but endangered Chinese white dolphin. Together these animal pictographs collage a different side to Hong Kong’s abundant natural beauty that is easily masked by the urbanity of the subtropical metropolis.
The artist has kindly donated these limited edition silkscreen prints in support of our Hidden Forests summer project and arts programs at ASHK! Editions numbered 5+ will increase in retail price.
Sally Bunker's Portraits of Trees of Hong Kong and Southern China
Price: $400 HKD
Hong Kong possesses an impressively diverse tree flora with 390 native species. This book celebrates the incredible diversity, beauty, and biology of the territory's tree species, highlighting over 100 important species that are individually illustrated in exquisitely detailed watercolour paintings by Sally Grace Bunker, an acclaimed botanical artist. The illustrations--a selection on view in To See the Forest and the Trees--are accompanied by text that teases out a diversity of associated narratives for each species, ranging from the history of global exploration and scientific discoveries, the ecology and biology of each species, and the various ways in which they have been utilized and their cultural associations.
Read more about the book on the South China Morning Post and Earnshaw Books.
James Prosek's Illustrated Books

Bird, Butterfly, and Eel
Bird, Butterfly, and Eel, spend their summers on the same coastal farm, but in the fall they go to very distant and different places. Their journeys to the far reaches of land and sea make them remarkable creatures. James Prosek uses these creatures' stories and his own sun-kissed paintings to introduce young readers to the basic elements of bird, fish, and insect migration. Ages 5 - 10+.

A Good Day's Fishing
What’s the secret to a good day’s fishing? James Prosek illustrates the essentials, in his first children’s picture book. The flies, lures, spinners and bobbers in his tackle box are depicted in colorful watercolors and defined in the helpful “Lure and Fly Glossary” located in the final five pages of the book. Ages 5-10+.

Trout of the World
From the rare Tigris Trout of Eastern Turkey to the Cutthroat Trout of the Russian Sea of Okhotsk, James Prosek brings to life 100 trout from around the world. Trout of the World is the product of six years of travel and research around the Northern Hemisphere in Europe, Asia and North Africa. Prosek catalogs in watercolors the biodiversity of the world’s native trout, he also includes informative historical profiles, detailed geographic locations, and his personal contemplations on the species and the dangers they face, making an eloquent plea for their preservation.
All photographs taken by Scott Brooks.

Plan Your Visit
9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong
亞洲協會香港中心 香港金鐘正義道九號