Shadow Hunter/ Sunset Catcher 追光捕影 斜陽獵人
VIEW EVENT DETAILSZoom Listening Party with Vivian Qin 覃小詩Zoom聆聽派對
This program will be conducted in English and Cantonese.│本節目將以英語及粵語進行。
The listening party is a footnote of Vivian Qin’s work in the exhibition If Sunset Had a Voice.
Imagine if sunset could hearken, what has she ever been listening to? How would she chant to the future? Standing under from dusk till dawn how should one position themselves?
Chasing lights, and capturing shadows, the artist tended to recreate the sentiment of sunset by singing to the images made during this time. The light of the setting sun dashes over the skyscrapers in the city, gently coated on the lost, the broken, and the exhausted people. Animals in the wild are about to rest in the lullaby of the heartbeat from the doomsday preppers.
The artist will incorporate jazz and folk-influenced melodic vocal and minimal sounds, creating a soothing listening experience in this Zoom lo-fi semi-improvisation.
Join us by snapping the sunset or a shadow cast by the sun and share it on Instagram (@shadowhunter_ashk), with hashtag #shadowhunter and #nextacthk. Selected photos will be used as the backdrops of the listening party.
這次聆聽派對是藝術家覃小詩展覽作品《若問夕陽》的音樂註腳。如果夕陽亦能側耳傾聽,她曾經聽過什麼聲音? 她將如何對未來吟唱?站在落日當中的我們如何自處?藝術家透過收集黃昏的碎片,感知夕陽下的情緒,追光捕影,希望為人們所見的夕陽作曲。日落的餘暉掠過城市巨大的建築,輕柔地包裹著迷路的人,受傷的人,疲倦的人。荒野中動物即將休息,聽著末日準備者的心跳聲入睡。藝術家以豐富多變的爵士樂,民謠歌曲中的療癒人聲,及極簡主義的聲音,演繹低保真即興音樂創作,並於網上作即時轉播。
誠邀你加入我們,一起收集黃昏的碎片,以鏡頭捕捉日落景色及太陽投射的陰影,並分享到Instagram (@shadowhunter_ashk),加#shadowhunter #nextacthk標籤。有關照片將用作聆聽派對的背景。
About the Artwork 關於作品
If Sunset Had a Voice forms a part of Vivian Qin’s on-going doomsday preparation series, focusing on cross-cultural knowledge and stories related to the disaster preparation during uncertain time. The multimedia installation features a shadow play of the artist’s failed doomsday prepping attempts between ruins and her room staged in an artificial sunset. Real life and fantastical items are used as props in the narrative, such as pieces of glass that the artist collected during Typhoon Mangkhut from the Harbour Grand Kowloon Hotel and a pair of worn glasses left from a building as part of the Manhattan Project in New York. A set of metal characters, with the first two sentences–“Not losing to the rain, not losing to the wind"– of Japanese writer Kenji Miyazawa’s poetry Be not Defeated by the Rain is swinging on the rebar coming out of the ruined concretes base. To the sunset, the artist asked for the power and wisdom of how we ought to keep each other alive.
《若問夕陽》是覃小詩近年末日預備系列的其中一部分,用意了解跨文化災害預防的智慧及故事。多媒體的裝置循環放映著一齣影子戲 :記錄藝術家在人造黃昏下,徘徊於廢墟及自己房間,進行一場徒勞無功的末日預備練習。真實的物件與幻想的素材為故事中使用的道具,如颱風山竹期間在九龍海逸君綽酒店外拾來的玻璃碎片及於紐約曼哈頓計畫遺址留下來的一副舊眼鏡。左右兩旁的金屬造文字——不畏疾風,不懼迅雨——是日本作家宮澤賢治的詩作《不怕風雨》的摘錄,文字在破損的混凝土底座長出的鋼筋下搖擺。面對夕陽,藝術家希望藉此在夕陽時也可以思考如何保持具生命力且互相扶持的力量及智慧。
About the Artist │關於藝術家
Vivian Qin, aka Xiaoshi Vivian Vivian Qin, is an artist based between Guangzhou and Hong Kong. She graduated from Columbia University (New York) in 2015 (MFA Visual Arts) and Denison University (Ohio) in 2012 (BA, Communication and BA, Studio Arts). Her works have been shown at UCCA, Beijing (2019), Jewish Museum, New York (2014), Queens Museum, New York (2016), Savvy Contemporary, Berlin (2019), Para Site, Hong Kong (2017, 2019), Long March Project, Beijing (2019), Taikang Space, Beijing (2018), In Situ, Paris (2020), X Museum, Beijing (2020), 221A, Vancouver (2015) and Artista x Artista, Havana (2019). Her solo exhibitions include Lv Hua Dai in Salt Projects, Beijing (2018) and Things to Come in Weekend, Seoul (2017). She received Sarah Sze’s nomination and was awarded the Lotos Foundation Prize in 2015. She has also participated in the artist-in-residence programs in Spring Workshop, Hong Kong (2017), Salt Projects’ OffShore residency in Dinawan, Malaysia (2019) and All the Way South, Times Museum with Artista x Artista (2019). She is the editor-in-chief of Ruthless Lantern, an art gossip magazine.
覃小詩是一位活躍於廣州與香港兩地的藝術家。覃氏2015年於哥倫比亞大學獲得藝術碩士學位,2012年於文理學院丹尼森大學獲得藝術以及傳播學學士雙學位。她的作品曾於北京UCCA尤倫斯當代藝術中心(2019)、紐約猶太博物館(2014)、紐約皇后區藝術博物館(2016)、柏林 Savvy Contemporary(2018)香港Para Site 藝術空間(2017,2019),巴黎 In Situ畫廊(2020)、北京長征計畫(2019)、北京泰康空間(2018)、溫哥華221A(2015)、北京X美術館(2020)、及哈瓦那 Artista x Artista(2019)等機構展出;個展包括《綠化帶》(北京 Salt Project,2018),以及《篤定發生》 (首爾Weekend,2017)。她曾得到 Sarah Sze 提名並獲得紐約 Lotos 基金會獎(2015)。她參與的藝術家駐留計畫包括:香港Spring工作室(2017)、馬來西亞金之島 Salt Projects的 OFFSHORE(2019),以及哈瓦那時代美術館一路向南交換計畫(2019)。她創辦了藝術八卦雜誌《無情燈》。