Open Studio: With LOVE 手作坊:與愛
VIEW EVENT DETAILSLOVE Long: Robert Indiana and Asia Education Program 愛話:羅伯特印第安納與亞洲教育項目

LOVE, 1966/ 2002, polychrome aluminum. Edition of 6 + 4 AP’s. Private collection. Courtesy of Morgan Art Foundation. Artwork © 2018 Morgan Art Foundation/ Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.
Workshop 工作坊
Session 1/ 第一節: 1:00pm - 2:15pm (English/ 英語)
Session 2/ 第二節: 2:45pm - 4:00pm (Cantonese/粵語)
Session 3/ 第三節: 4:30pm - 5:45pm (Cantonese/粵語)
LOVE Long: Robert Indiana and Asia

For over half a century, Robert Indiana’s LOVE sculpture has been one of the most iconic public art pieces in the world. From New York to Lisbon, Vancouver, Tokyo and many other major cities, it’s known for drawing abundant crowds. Indiana’s LOVE sculpture was used in many designs including Christmas cards, book covers, and Broadway posters. But the most memorable is the LOVE stamp that was first printed in 1973 as Valentine’s stamp collection. Since then, the design has become the iconic symbol of Valentine’s Day.
In honor of Valentine’s Day and the arrival of LOVE and other Indiana sculptures at Asia Society Hong Kong Center, you are invited to join this workshop where you can create a Valentine’s day card, and a wooden mini sculpture that is inspired by Indiana’s LOVE and AMOR typography.

半個多世紀以來,羅伯特·印第安納的《LOVE》雕塑一直是世界上最具標誌性的公共藝術作品之一。 從紐約到里斯本、溫哥華、東京等多個主要城市,為城市吸引了眾多人潮。 許多設計作品都用上印第安納的《LOVE》雕塑,包括聖誕卡,書籍封面,和百老匯海報。 但最令人難忘的,還是1973年首次印刷的《LOVE》情人節郵票。從那時起,《LOVE》雕塑成為情人節的象徵。
為了紀念是次印第安納作品展覽,觀眾可於手作坊:與愛,和你的最愛一起製作以印第安納的《LOVE》 和《AMOR》作品為本的情人節卡及迷你雕塑。

Event Details
Asia Society Hong Kong Center, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty