Holocaust Survivor│猶太大屠殺倖存者: Eva Schloss
VIEW EVENT DETAILSAsia Society Global Education Series
Reception 6:00pm
Dialogue 6:30pm
Close 8:00pm
*Please note, to accommodate overwhelming demand, our program will take place in Jockey Club Hall, with live video stream in Miller Theater. Seats in Jockey Club Hall will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note we will not be able to accommodate seats being saved for guests who have not yet arrived. The program will be conducted in English. English-to-Cantonese simultaneous interpretation will be available in Jockey Club Hall only, with limited headsets given on a first-come, first-served basis.*
International Holocaust Remembrance Day is the annual international memorial day designated by the United Nations to commemorate the tragedy of the Holocaust. To mark this event and also the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army in January 1945, the Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre (HKHTC) is delighted to bring Mrs. Eva Schloss to Hong Kong as a special guest on this occasion. Asia Society Hong Kong Center and HKHTC are honored to host Mrs. Schloss for an evening of student-centered learning, where she will share her remarkable story of life before the war, how she survived Auschwitz-Birkenau and rebuilt her life afterwards.
Mrs. Schloss is a Holocaust survivor, peace activist, international speaker, teacher, author and humanitarian, recognized by Queen Elizabeth II with an M.B.E. and for whom the play And Then They Came For Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank was written by James Still in 1999. She is also the stepsister of Anne Frank, whose diary possibly is the most famous work to emerge from the horrors of that event. Mrs. Schloss’s story is one of heartbreaking loss, determination, betrayal and, ultimately, the survival and triumph of the human spirit against all odds: among her many ordeals, she survived escape from Austria, two years in hiding in Amsterdam, capture on her 15th birthday, nine months in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, the death of her father and brother, and repatriation to Holland. 40 years after the end of World War II, Mrs. Schloss started to share her story. She has since written three books and spoken all over the world about her experiences. This is her first visit to Hong Kong, which promises to be a memorable occasion.
Mrs. Schloss’s story is difficult to imagine, yet reminds us that life is precious and fragile, the creative spirit is stronger than fear, power of good is immeasurable and love makes a difference. This program is aimed at students who will have the rare opportunity to engage directly with a prominent individual who, after suffering the horrors of Auschwitz, has gone on to live a life rich and full of meaning.
「國際猶太大屠殺紀念日」是聯合國為紀念猶太大屠殺的悲劇而設立的年度國際紀念日。為紀念這日子,香港猶太大屠殺及寬容中心邀請了猶太大屠殺倖存者Eva Schloss女士前來香港作分享。在訪港期間,亞洲協會香港中心連同香港猶太大屠殺及寬容中心將會安排Mrs. Schloss與一眾學子講述她兒時遭納粹迫害的經歷。這段分享將會是一個獨特以及發人深省的生存故事。
Mrs. Schloss女士 是一位猶太大屠殺倖存者、和平活動家、國際演說家和人道主義者。她也是 《安妮日記》Anne Frank 的繼姐。Mrs. Schloss 有一個令人難以置信的故事,是關於人類精神的生存、勇氣、失落和最終的勝利。在第二次世界大戰期間,她倖存逃離了她的祖國奧地利,躲藏在阿姆斯特丹兩年。十五歲生日當天被捕,在奧斯威辛集中營九個月後,獲遣返回荷蘭。她心愛的父親和兄弟死了....還有毒藥的苦澀,悲傷的負擔,失去的融合。
二戰結束四十年後,Eva 開始分享她的故事。此後,她寫了三本書,並向大眾講述她的經歷。Eva 的故事是難以想像的。但她富有洞察力的信息提醒我們:生命寶貴而脆弱,創造比恐懼更強大,善的力量無法估量,而愛則能改變一切。愛為最重要的。
Event Details
Asia Society Hong Kong Center, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty