Christmas Tree Workshop

參加此活動更會附送一張聖誕家庭樂入場遊戲卡 – 到賽馬會廳完成DIY手工攤位後,就可以到聖誕老人屋企換領禮物同拍照留念! 聖誕家庭樂開放時間為12月17及18日11am-6pm,可提前到訪參與。
Join us for some festive fun while countdown to Christmas day and bring home a self-decorated Christmas tree. This workshop also includes 1 Community Christmas entry ticket. Visit Arts & Craft stalls in the Jockey Club Hall to collect stamps before a trip to meet the man in red himself. Upon finishing you will receive a gift from his elves and a chance for photos. Community Christmas opening on Dec 17 to 18, from 11 am to 6 pm. families are welcomed to enter in advance.
*本課程以粵語教授 | The course will be conducted in Cantonese, supplemented with English
*二人一組,每班最多15組 | 2 persons a group, maximum class size: 15 pairs
*每組均有一棵迷你聖誕樹及一張入場遊戲卡| Each pair of participants will take home 1 Christmas tree and 1 Arts & Craft entry ticket
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Event Details
Asia Society Hong Kong Center, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong