2020鼠年大挑戰|The Year of the Rat Challenge
VIEW EVENT DETAILS歡迎來到2020鼠年大挑戰Welcome to the Great Year of the Rat Challenge 2020!
We know that lots of you are stuck at home at the moment, busy with your home learning, but you might be looking for a fun break from your studies! And even if you’re at school, you might be looking for some weekend fun! So we’ve decided to give you a REALLY FUN challenge that you can complete at home over the next several weeks, with some fabulous prizes to be won!
Sarah Brennan是《中國日曆故事》的作者,她用押韻的詞句描繪了十二生肖,全部由香港畫家Harry Harrison提供插圖,並由Auspicious Times出版。她的作品不但有趣和奇妙,還讓孩子們邊笑邊學!
Sarah Brennan is the much-loved Hong Kong author of the best-selling Chinese Calendar Tales, illustrated children’s books in rhyme about the animals of the Chinese Zodiac, all illustrated by Hong Kong’s iconic cartoonist Harry Harrison and published by Auspicious Times Limited. Her books are funny, fabulous, and designed to get kids learning while they laugh!
您亦可循以下途徑關注她 You can also follow her on
Twitter: @Sarah_Rhymes | Facebook: @SarahBrennanAuthor | Instagram: @sarabrennanauthor
組別 Categories
輕鬆挑戰(共十項) |
可選挑戰(共三項) |
超級挑戰(共七項) |
小一至小三 |
完成所有項目 |
必須至少完成一個 |
- |
小四至小六 |
完成所有項目 Complete ALL TEN |
必須至少完成一個 |
必須至少完成兩個 |
超級挑戰類別 |
完成所有項目 |
完成所有項目 |
完成所有項目 |
如何參加? How to Enter?
按此處並填寫表格來替您的孩子登記吧!成功登記後,挑戰清單及詳細的挑戰內容將會於兩個工作天內通過電子郵件發送到所登記的電郵。Register your child by clicking here and completing the form. We will send you your Challenge Pack by email within 2 days of receipt of your registration
所有參加者即時免費獲得亞洲協會香港中心學生會員會籍一年(價值$ 300)
EVERY ONE who submits a completed CHALLENGE CHECKLIST will receive FREE STUDENT MEMBERSHIP of Asia Society Hong Kong for a year (Value HK$300)
評審團將會在每個年齡組別中(即小學一至三年級其中一人和四至六年級其中一人)選出一人。獲選人將得到一盒盒裝的「中國日曆故事」(價值HK $ 1199),另外免費成為亞洲協會香港中心家庭會員一年(價值$ 2500)
The person from each age category (ie. One from Grades 1 to 3 and one from Grades 4 to 6 ) whose entry is deemed the best by the judging panel will receive A Boxed Set of the Chinese Calendar Tales (retail value HK$1199) PLUS Free Family Membership of Asia Society HK for a year (Value HK$2500)
The best 10 Sing! Entries will be invited to perform LIVE at a special event at Asia Society later this year (details to be confirmed).
所有完成挑戰賽的小朋友的名字都將被放入抽獎箱,以便在2020年4月17日星期五舉行抽獎。十位獲抽中的參加者將分別獲得一本由Sarah Brennan和Harry Harrison創作的《跑跑鼠的故事》,及一本由亞洲協會出版的《一期一會:奈良美智》展覽畫冊,並可與家人免費參加一個亞洲協會的活動(詳情有待公佈)
The names of all the kids who have completed the Challenge will be put in a box for a Prize Draw to be held on Friday 17 April, 2020. The first 10 to be drawn will each receive a free copy of The Tale of Run Run Rat by Sarah Brennan and Harry Harrison PLUS a free copy of Once in a Life – Encounters with Nara by Asia Society HK Center (Value $HK280) PLUS free family entry to an Asia Society event to be advised.
… 是一個驚喜!獎品有待公佈!
…MYSTERY PRIZE! And it’s brilliant! We’ll let you know all about it after the Deadline Date!
挑戰清單List of Challenges
1 |
塗顏色 Easy Colour Me In |
輕鬆挑戰Easy |
2 |
迷宮拼圖Maze |
輕鬆挑戰Easy |
3 |
數獨挑戰Easy Sudoku Challenge |
輕鬆挑戰Easy |
4 |
找不同Spot the Difference |
輕鬆挑戰Easy |
5 |
畫出自己的生肖 Draw your own Zodiac Animal |
輕鬆挑戰Easy |
6 |
「鼠」字賀句 Ratty Rhyming List |
輕鬆挑戰Easy |
7 |
亞洲協會空中花園拼貼圖 ASHK Roof Garden Collage |
輕鬆挑戰Easy |
8 |
鼠鼠小故事(最多50字)Tell a Ratty Story in 50 words or less |
輕鬆挑戰Easy |
9 |
顏色影畫 My Favourite Colour Leogryph |
輕鬆挑戰Easy |
10 |
連點點 Dot to Dot |
輕鬆挑戰Easy |
11 |
唱!Sing! |
可選挑戰Optional |
12 |
裝扮!Dress Up |
可選挑戰Optional |
13 |
使用回收物件建造一座城堡 Build a Castle |
可選挑戰Optional |
14 |
進階版塗顏色 Advance Colour Me In |
超級挑戰Advanced |
15 |
進階版數獨Advance Soduko |
超級挑戰Advanced |
16 |
賴皮鼠鼠故事 Write a Rascally Rat Tale |
超級挑戰Advanced |
17 |
烘烤鼠鼠蛋糕 Bake a Ratty Cake |
超級挑戰Advanced |
18 |
畫畫佛陀的派對Draw a picture of Lord Buddha’s Party |
超級挑戰Advanced |
19 |
寫詩讚美鼠鼠Write a Poem in praise of Rats |
超級挑戰Advanced |
20 |
製做鼠鼠面具 Make our Rat Mask |
超級挑戰Advanced |
完成挑戰後,請於2020年4月14日晚上12時或之前通過電郵發送您孩子的挑戰清單至 [email protected]。如您孩子完成了「唱!」的挑戰,記得把影片加入電郵附件內一併寄回!
When the challenge is completed, send a scan of your child’s Challenge Checklist on or before the midnight, Saturday April 14, 2020 by email to [email protected]. Remember to attach your child’s video to this email if she or he has entered the Sing! Challenge!
So it’s time you got busy! Ready, Steady, Go! We look forward to hearing from you!
By Sarah Brennan in conjunction with Asia Society Hong Kong.
With many thanks to Harry Harrison for all his fabulous illustrations.