ASEAN Film Festival 2024

The Association of Southeast Asia Nations or ASEAN is a diverse region of almost 700 million people. Strong economic growth and a young and increasingly well-educated population have contributed to a vibrant arts and cultural sector. Motion pictures are an important contemporary medium to tell stories and share ideas, beliefs, and culture. And Southeast Asia has many interesting stories and wonderful films to share with the world. The ASEAN FILM FESTIVAL (AFF) is organized by the Hong Kong-ASEAN Foundation (HKAF) as a non-profit initiative to promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of culture through the art of storytelling through films. Now in its second edition, AFF strives to be a premier event anchored in Hong Kong SAR to showcase a curated selection of films from Southeast Asia's top filmmakers. As ASEAN Film Festival Co-presenter this year, Asia Society Hong Kong will host five movie screenings at the Asia Society Theatre in September.
東南亞國家聯盟(東盟)是一個擁有近7億人口多元化的地區。受惠於高速經濟增長、有利環境和良好的教育,該區的藝術與文化產業急速發展,為生活注入更多活力。東盟的活潑和多元化塑造了許多精彩的故事,豐富了東南亞電影的內涵。作為一種為人知曉的當代媒介,電影並不只是供娛樂觀賞的,它也可傳達思想、信念和文化,讓世界更了解東南亞。香港- 東盟協會主辦的東盟電影節是一個非營利的倡議,旨在通過電影細述的故事,讓大眾對東南亞文化有更深入正面的理解和賞識。東盟電影節今年邁進第二屆,致力成為香港的主要電影盛事,為東南亞最傑出的電影工作者提供在港展示作品和才藝的平台,促進兩地文化交流。亞洲協會香港中心有幸成為本年度東盟電影節的合辦機構之一,將於九月進行一共5場的電影放映。
Free Admission, prior registration required.
About the Movies 電影簡介
Gadong (Brunei)

September 6, 19:00
80 mins
Post-screening Talk with Ruby Yang, Academy Award-winning filmmaker and Gadong filmmakers, Riduan Sulaiman (Director), Yoji (Producer), and Khai Anwar (Writer and Lead).
Gadong is a story that captures the dreams of immigrants through the eyes of Saleem, a barber in Brunei, who battles immense difficulties and debts amid the economic downturn caused by the pandemic. While the world in the grip of lockdown, where barbers seem unnecessary, Saleem's only wish is to reunite with his family in India. Yet, he carries the burden of fulfilling his late father's dream of opening a shop in Gadong, Brunei's most prestigious district. Through the highs and lows, Saleem is supported by his best friends, Zakaria and Raja. They are soon joined by Azam, a much-needed breath of fresh air who transforms the business. For the first time in a long time, Saleem's dreams begin to take shape.
在加東這個汶萊首都斯里巴加灣最繁盛的商業區開店是很多人的夢想,沙林的父親也不例外。沙林在父親身故後接手理髮店,偏偏遇上疫情,生意大受影響。沙林要守着父親傳給他的小店已經無比吃力,債台高築,更遑論完父親進駐加東的夢想。在最艱難的時候 ,印度同鄉的支持,加上生力軍阿參的新主意,讓沙林得以渡過難關,並和家人團聚。沙林的故事也是汶萊眾多外來移民工的奮鬥史,導演並沒有以悲情渲染,反而以笑中有淚的手法盡顯人性光輝。
K’na the Dreamweaver (Philippines)

September 14, 19:00
85 mins
Once upon a time, in the beautiful mountains of South Cotabato, K’na, a beautiful young girl, grows up in the royal household. Her father rules the clan on the south bank of the lake, which was banished from the North Bank centuries ago. At a young age, K’na is trained in the art of weaving, whose design comes from the visions granted only to deserving women who become dreamweavers. K’na’s father decides to put an end to the warring clans of the north and south by arranging a marriage between K’na and Kagis, the heir to the throne of the north bank. However, K’na has already fallen in love with Silaw, a childhood friend whose family supplies the finest abaca fibres to the dreamweavers. As the wedding day draws near, a revolution brews among those who do not believe in the union of the two royal clans, and K’na must make choice between love and peace.
The Attachment (Myanmar)

September 15, 15:00
112 mins
A young man abandons even his mother to become a monk. A young lady, deeply devoted to this dedicated monk, makes frequent offerings to him and his monastery. As her contributions appear exceedingly generous, she causes discomfort within the monastery and the community, despite her purely religious intentions. Eventually, the young monk leaves the monastery and retreats into the jungle. Believing she has disrupted his religious practices, she begs the Buddha for forgiveness. She reincarnates as a snake and follows his footsteps in the jungle to support him. This fascinating tale, which connects traditional Buddhist teachings with modern life, demonstrates the integral role that Buddhism plays in contemporary Myanmar.
Shadow (Laos)

September 22, 15:00
105 mins
Khong and Thin grew up together in rural Laos and are best friends who share everything. Yet Khong, who was brought up by his single father, always felt that his best friend has it all, including a loving family and the affection of a young woman whom Khong secretly admires. More than twenty years later, Pong, a teenage girl living with her strict father, discovers the truth about her real identity, which can be traced back to the complicated relationship between Khong and Thin. Writer-director Soulasath Saul, who also plays one of the main characters, handles a complex cross-generational narrative with great fineness and assurance, while portraying the rapidly changing Laos.
一對稱兄道弟的好友,因為愛上同一女孩而反目成仇。二十多年後,與畫家父親相依為命的少女可恩發現自己身世的秘密,竟與這兩人當年的感情糾結有關。一段涉及金錢與親情的恩怨情仇,跨越兩代的是與非,見證老撾這些年來的社會變遷。演而優則導的Soulasath Saul不但身兼編導,更同時飾演主角之一。初執導演筒的他以成熟的手法,有條不紊地交代一個時空交錯的感人故事。
Sugarcane Baby (Cambodia)

September 28, 15:00
90 mins
Chiva, a transgender fashion model, dreams of topping the Cambodia’s fashion industry, believing her only path to success lies in full transitioning. Her plan has been interrupted by the arrival of her brother Sokha, whom she has not seen for two years, conjuring up painful memories of their shared childhood on a sugarcane farm. As if that weren't enough, their father suddenly goes missing, forcing Chiva to confront her troubled past and the sense of rejection she has endured. Canadian writer-director Alex Dacev, based in Cambodia since 2014, explores the challenging themes of gender and identity with an international vision, resulting in a sophisticated portrayal of a rarely seen part of the world.
跨性別女模特兒芝華為在柬埔寨時尚界更上一層樓,正計劃出國進行變性手術。失聯兩年的親弟弟突然出現,勾起兩人在鄉間蔗田長大的傷痛記憶。這時失智父親離家出走,加上弟弟身患重病,讓芝華不得不重新審視親情在她心目中的地位,但她能否來得及修補內心深處的疤痕?加拿大編導Alex Dacev首執導演筒,勇敢以國際視野探索性小眾議題。攝影師出身的他,以鏡頭說故事,拍出含蓄而敏銳的誠意之作。

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