The Four Domains of Global Competence
A Course in the Teaching for Global Competence Series
This course introduces the Four Domains of Global Competence: Investigate the World, Recognize Perspectives, Communicate Ideas, and Take Action. These domains promote engaged and active inquiry and act as a guide for structuring curriculum, instruction, and assessment to promote global competence in classrooms and out-of-school time programs. The Four Domains are a framework for guiding student learning both within and across disciplines.
The coaching guide helps instructional leaders support educators as they prepare to implement concepts from the course in their own learning environments.
This course is part of the Teaching for Global Competence program. The cost for an individual course enrollment is $29 USD. Discounts are available to schools, districts, and programs if you are purchasing courses in bulk (all courses for a minimum of 25 educators). Please contact the Education Partnerships team at [email protected] for more information on bulk enrollments.
Learn more or enroll in the course
Designed With the Following Audiences in Mind
Everyone is eligible to enroll in this course. This course is especially suited for the following audiences.
Classroom Teacher: Delivers educational content in an academic institution.
Out-of-School Time Educator: Delivers educational content in afterschool and summer programs.