CELIN Webinars
CELIN@Asia Society Master Webinar Series
亚洲协会CELIN 名师讲座系列
Asia Society's Chinese Early Language & Immersion Network (CELIN) offers a series of webinars presented by renowned educators experienced in Chinese as a world language and immersion education. This Webinar Series is chaired by Dr. Shuhan C. Wang, and organized by Dr. Ting Shen and the China Learning Initiatives.
This series contains real-time webinars followed by watch-back self-study time. Through the CELIN learning time, participants can learn from and interact with renowned educators in the field, and access presentation slides and recordings to enhance learning outcomes afterward. Registration is required for each webinar. You will receive a Zoom meeting link after you fill out the registration form. We look forward to your participation!
Upcoming Webinars
Past Webinars
Chinese Immersion Preschool Initiatives: What We Have Learned and How We Can Grow the Field
Date and Time: Saturday, December 11, 2021, 10:30 AM—12:00 PM ET
Description: This webinar introduces the development of and initiatives in Chinese immersion preschool education in the United States. First, we will define Chinese immersion preschool education, provide an overview of this emerging field, and introduce new CELIN publications that describe the current state of the field. Next, we will share research about the importance of preschool education and oral language development during this time and discuss the “added value” of Chinese language immersion experiences for early childhood development. We will then share the findings and discuss implications for the field of two national surveys conducted by CELIN researchers: one on Chinese language immersion programs and the other on the teachers and staff of these programs. Finally, we will discuss policy implications and make recommendations for promoting high-quality Chinese immersion preschool education. Together, the presenters will engage in discussions with the participants and seek their suggestions for ways to move the field forward.
- Robin Harvey, Clinical Associate Professor; Director, Project Developing Chinese Language Teachers (DCLT); Co-Director, MA TESOL @ NYU Shanghai, New York University
- Kevin M. Wong, Assistant Professor, Pepperdine University
- Shuhan C. Wang, Project Director, CELIN at Asia Society
- Joy Kreeft Peyton, Senior Program Associate, CELIN at Asia Society; Senior Fellow, Center for Applied Linguistics
Date and Time: Saturday, October 2, 2021, 10:30 AM—12:00 PM ET
Creating Curious and Passionate Learners from 3 Years Old to Grade 3
Description: Young children are natural language learners. They flourish in a fun, stimulating, and engaging environment where they can freely explore and interact with the teacher, peers, and the world around them. Being immersed in a rich Chinese environment, they learn through stories, plays, interactive read-aloud, creative conversation and singing, and endless activities and projects. As they transition from Preschool into early grades in elementary school, they have already built a foundation of oral language. They are ready to engage in formal literacy skill development in Chinese. How can teachers carry on the tasks of building children’s oral language foundation and developing initial literacy skills, while also fostering their curiosity and creativity along the path from 3 years old (preschool) to Grade 3? How can teachers play the roles of designer, guide, facilitator, and scaffolder for children to develop their passion and critical thinking for Chinese language and learning? Join us to learn from and share with two distinguished Chinese immersion teachers -- strategies and examples for classes in Preschool to Kindergarten and Grades 1-3.
幼儿是天生的语言学习者。在一个多元有趣又有意义的语言环境里,他们若能根据各人的兴趣爱好,自由地探索,并与老师、同学和周遭的世界积极互动,他们将欣欣向荣。在这样一个丰富的中文沉浸环境中,学生们从故事、演戏、互动阅读、创意对话和歌唱、以及各式各样的活动和项目来学习。当他们从学前班转入低年级时,他们已经打好了口语基础,预备开始发展中文的读写技能。老师如何在孩子们从三岁到三年级的旅程中,承担为孩子打下口语基础、发展读写技能,又同时启发他们的好奇心和创意的大任?老师如何扮演设计师、导游、协调员和搭鹰架的工程师,帮助幼儿培养他们对语言和其他知识学习的热情和思考能力? 欢迎来参加我们的讲座,跟两位幼儿沉浸项目的资深老师学习及分享在学前班到幼儿园和一年级到三年级的教学策略与实例。
- Allen Zhong, Kindergarten Teacher and Team Lead, Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School
- Jing-Tyng (Teresa) Shyu, First Grade Chinese Teacher, Chinese American International School (CAIS)
- Shuhan C. Wang, Ph.D., Project Director, CELIN at Asia Society
Connecting with NCSSFL: World-Class Resources for Chinese Language Teachers
Date & Time: Saturday, September 11, 10:30 AM-12 PM, Eastern time
Chinese language educators can learn about a variety of resources and information from the National Council of State Supervisors for Languages (NCSSFL), a dynamic organization that supports language educators across the United States to empower learners, implement policy, and provide professional development. Three veteran NCSSFL members will share details from the NCSSFL website, where policy information like teacher licensing and the Seals of Biliteracy from different states can be analyzed. They will also discuss the NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements and LinguaGrow© (formerly known as LinguaFolio®), as well as the importance of communication and advocacy within communities where Chinese programs are flourishing. A flyer and registration information will be coming soon.
- Ann Marie Gunter, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction World Languages Consultant
- Michèle Braud, World Languages Specialist, Louisiana Department of Education
- Ryan T. Wertz, Lead Consultant for World Languages, Global Education & the Ohio Seal of Biliteracy, Office of Learning & Instructional Strategies
CELIN Webinar #6
Panel Discussion—Chinese Language Programs Respond
Chinese language programs, educators, and parents have found themselves in a difficult situation recently when confronted with the need to argue for their work or the program. Experienced educators in the Chinese language field will discuss challenges, analyze the factors in the current socio-political-cultural context, and offer insights, strategies, and resources about not just how to survive but also how to thrive in this critical time.
CELIN Plenary at the Early Childhood Chinese Immersion Forum (ECCIF) 2021
CELIN staff and colleagues presented a plenary panel on Chinese Immersion Preschool Education: An Emerging Field and National Survey Results. Click the below links to view the recording and the interesting comments in the chat and the PowerPoint slides.
CELIN Webinar #5 20210206
CELIN Master Webinar #5
Date: February 6, 2021
Time: 10:30 AM- 12:00 PM ET / 9:30 AM-11:00 AM CT / 8:30 AM- 10:00 MT / 7:30 – 9:00 AM PT
Guided Reading – Deepening the Love of Reading While Creating Independent Readers
指导性阅读 -- 激发学生读书热情,培养阅读自主性
Session Description:
Guided Reading has become very popular in elementary schools. How does it work in a Chinese immersion program? The presenters share and discuss how it might fit into second language learning when learners do not have adequate oral language, vocabulary, or the tools to sound out and make meaning of words. Through examples and videos of class instruction, participants learn how to plan effective guided reading lessons that support students to read increasingly challenging books independently, while keeping meaning and love of reading front and center.
Xinyi Xu, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Yu Ming School
Huize Yang, Kindergarten Chinese Teacher, Yu Ming School
Lonnie Liu, 4th Grade Chinese Teacher, Yu Ming School
CELIN Master Webinar #1
CELIN Master Webinar #1
Date: August 8, 2020
Time: 10:30 AM- 12:00 PM ET / 9:30 AM-11:00 AM CT / 8:30 AM- 10:00 MT / 7:30 – 9:00 AM PT
A BMW Model for Lesson Planning and Implementation
Click here to watch the recording (availability extended to Feb. 8, 2021)
Regardless of students’ age or proficiency level, highly efficient teachers should work with a conceptual framework informed by research findings from second language acquisition. In this way, they can implement the prepared curriculum to reach the expected learning outcomes. However, many teachers struggle with where to find entry points for their students to begin the journey, tease out key areas to deepen their knowledge or skills, or assess students against the expected learning targets. This presentation will offer a BMW framework and principles that teachers can apply to enhance instruction and learning. Two experienced teachers will showcase real classroom examples and student work samples to demonstrate how they use the BMW model to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences for students. They will show how to build a scaffold for students to move upward step by step. When students reach the summit through their hard work, they will be able to claim with pride, “I made it, all by myself!” This kind of joyful learning outcome is a dream come true for all students and teachers. The three presenters will engage in Q & A with participants and share instructional strategies and resources. The goal is that the participants will transfer the gains acquired through this presentation to their own classrooms, laying the foundation for a successful new school year.
无论学生的年龄或语言水平为何,高效能教师应该根据二语习得建立的思想框架来实践预备的课程,以达预期效果。但是许多老师往往苦于不知如何切入,如何抓出重点来操作,或者如何验收成果。本讲座将为老师提供一个BMW的教学思想框架和操作时必须关注的原则。同时,两位有经验的老师将通过真实的中小学课堂实例和学生样品来示范怎样简单地用BMW教学模式为学生创造有意义的学习经验,怎样为学生层层搭建阶梯,让他们自己拾阶而上,攀上高处。当他们通过个人努力登上了属于自己的高峰,他们将自豪地说:“我可以上到这么高,是我自己上来的!” 。这种惊喜的学习成果,是老师和学生梦寐以求的。三位主讲老师将有机会跟参与者进行探讨,并分享教学活动和资源,希望参与者能举一反三运用在自己的课堂上,成功地开展新学年的教学。
- Dr. Shuhan C. Wang 王周淑涵, Project Director, CELIN at Asia Society
- Chiachyi Chiu 沈家琦, Secondary Teacher
- Yin Shen 沈茵, Elementary Teacher
Dr. Shuhan C. Wang is the President of ELE Consulting International and Director of CELIN@Asia Society (Chinese Early Language and Immersion Network). She is former Deputy Director of the National Foreign Language Center (NFLC) at the University of Maryland, Executive Director for Chinese Language Initiatives at Asia Society, and Education Associate for World Languages and International Education for the state of Delaware, U.S.A. In addition to numerous scholarly papers and book chapters, she is an author of two series of K-12 Chinese language textbooks. She serves as an advisor to the Ministry of Education in Singapore on the Mother Tongue and Chinese Curriculum Projects.
Chiachyi Chiu currently teaches Chinese and serves as International House co-chair at St. Andrew’s School in Middletown, Delaware. Chiachyi co-authored Flying With Chinese, a series of textbooks for grades K-6 with Shuhan Wang, Carol Ann Dahlberg, and other teachers. She is a frequent presenter at ACTFL, NECTFL, CLASS, NCLC, Asia Society, and STARTALK conferences. Chiachyi conducts teacher training workshops for STARTALK programs and has worked nationally with teachers of Chinese since 2010.
Yin Shen is a Chinese immersion instructional coach and consultant. She has more than 25 years of teaching and coaching in the Mandarin immersion field. She taught in Portland Public Schools from 1998 to 2018. She is the author of a series of Chinese immersion books and readers.
CELIN Master Webinar #2
CELIN Master Webinar #2
Language Immersion and Project-based Learning
Date: August 29, 2020
Time: 10:30 AM- 12:00 PM ET / 9:30 AM-11:00 AM CT / 8:30 AM- 10:00 MT / 7:30 – 9:00 AM PT
Click here to watch the recording (availability extended to Feb. 8, 2021)
Project-based learning could motivate students' learning, but at the same time, it may lose sight of ensuring students' mastery of the language they need to obtain. A project's organization takes a lot of consideration in planning the content and the language. Two teachers will share their specific project-based lessons and a step by step planning timeline for their projects. The participants will learn a practical way to plan their own projects and create tangible milestones for each step.
- Dr. Luyi Lien 連鷺役, Academic Director
- Xu Zhu 朱旭, MS math teacher and math league team lead
- Ye Long 龙烨, 1st-grade team leader
Dr. Luyi Lien has over 30 years of experience in teaching, writing, and planning curriculum for both heritage students and non-native Mandarin learners in grades K through 12. She is a recognized pioneer in Chinese immersion education and has served in the critical role of Academic Director of Yinghua Academy since the school was founded in 2006. She is the chief architect of the curriculum for the Mandarin immersion school, including creating and designing the curriculum and assessment tools for grades K through 8, as well as online high school courses and immersion study abroad programs. Her strengths lie in balancing idealism with practicality, constantly endeavoring to translate complicated research-based theories into effective teaching practice. She has been working with several immersion schools to assist in building a foundation for immersion curriculum that employs a project-based learning approach, along with data-driven instruction to solidify content learning and advance target language proficiency level.
Xu Zhu is a Chinese immersion middle school math teacher. Obtaining his MA in Teaching and math 5-12 teaching license from Hamline University. Xu has been teaching sixth through eighth grade students at Yinghua Academy for more than three years. Additionally, Xu coached the Yinghua Math Team for the Minnesota Junior High Math League (MNJHML), Southwest Metro Division. Xu also founded and led the middle school C++ Programming club to cultivate students’ mathematical disposition through computer science.
Ye Long is a Chinese immersion teacher. She has taught first grade Chinese Language Arts, math, science, and social studies at Yinghua Academy for more than five years. She has been the 1st grade team leader for three years, and operates the mentor program at Yinghua Academy. Ye obtained her M.Ed. Dual Language and Immersion Elementary Education degree with a teaching license at University of Minnesota. She co-presented “Unpacking class activities: Incorporating standards, language, and culture” at the 2019 ACTFL conference.
CELIN Master Webinar #4
CELIN Master Webinar #3
Date: October 10, 2020
Time: 10:30 AM- 12:00 PM ET/9:30 AM-11:00 AM CT/8:30 AM- 10:00 MT/7:30 – 9:00 AM PT
Creating and Moving A Dragon of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Click here to watch the recording (availability extended to Feb. 8, 2021)
Building on the conceptual and pedagogical frameworks of BMW – Beginning, Middle, and a WOW-Ending (CELIN Webinar on August 8th, 2020), presenters of this webinar will share examples of real classroom implementation and deepen the discussions on how to create and move a dragon of curriculum, lessons, instruction, and assessment. Both presenters will share strategies, starting from adapting a text or textbook to bringing the content from paper to real life with meaningful stories and purposeful tasks to students in the BMW format. One presenter will share student work from elementary grades while the other presenter from secondary schools. Participants will learn how to incorporate the key elements and effective strategies of this framework in their classrooms.
- Dr. Shuhan C. Wang 王周淑涵, Project Director, CELIN at Asia Society
- Chiachyi Chiu 沈家琦, Secondary Teacher
- Yin Shen 沈茵, Elementary Teacher
Dr. Shuhan C. Wang is the President of ELE Consulting International and Director of CELIN@Asia Society (Chinese Early Language and Immersion Network). She is former Deputy Director of the National Foreign Language Center (NFLC) at the University of Maryland, Executive Director for Chinese Language Initiatives at Asia Society, and Education Associate for World Languages and International Education for the state of Delaware, U.S.A. In addition to numerous scholarly papers and book chapters, she is an author of two series of K-12 Chinese language textbooks. She serves as an advisor to the Ministry of Education in Singapore on the Mother Tongue and Chinese Curriculum Projects.
Chiachyi Chiu currently teaches Chinese and serves as International House co-chair at St. Andrew’s School in Middletown, Delaware. Chiachyi co-authored Flying With Chinese, a series of textbooks for grades K-6 with Shuhan Wang, Carol Ann Dahlberg, and other teachers. She is a frequent presenter at ACTFL, NECTFL, CLASS, NCLC, Asia Society, and STARTALK conferences. Chiachyi conducts teacher training workshops for STARTALK programs and has worked nationally with teachers of Chinese since 2010.
Yin Shen is a Chinese immersion instructional coach and consultant. She has more than 25 years of teaching and coaching in the Mandarin immersion field. She taught in Portland Public Schools from 1998 to 2018. She is the author of a series of Chinese immersion books and readers.
CELIN Master Webinar #3
CELIN Master Webinar #4
Date: November 7, 2020 [Rescheduled]
Time: 10:30 AM- 12:00 PM ET / 9:30 AM-11:00 AM CT / 8:30 AM- 10:00 MT / 7:30 – 9:00 AM PT
Developing Effective Writers by Teaching Writing Skills with Intentionality
Click here to watch the recording (availability extended to Feb. 8, 2021)
Moving away from assigning writing tasks to teaching writing skills with intentionality, the presenters in this session will share and discuss how to map out a scope and sequence for teaching writing on a program level with clear and concise "can-do statements" and specific instructions on ways to develop writing skills in various grade levels. The presenters will share a step-by-step process of mapping out writing skills vertically and horizontally and demonstrate how the instructions would look at lower and higher grade levels. The presenters will also share and discuss practical resources for supporting writing in Chinese.
指定写作题目和有目的地教导写作能力有什么不同?三位老师将和大家分享讨论如何有系统地整合全校的写作教学,并落实在各个班级。 三位老师也会和大家说明如何一步一步地使用ACTFL-NCSSFL 的"Can-do Statements" , 把写作课程横向和纵向的能力划分整理,并示范类似的要求如何分别在低年级和高年级落实。老师们将分享实用的资源来示范说明如何帮助学生发展写作能力。
- Kevin Chang 张国荣, Chinese Program Director, CAIS
- Hsiao-Chi Su 苏筱琦, 2nd Grade Chinese Teacher, CAIS
- Yinzhu Liu 刘银珠, 5th Grade Chinese Teacher, CAIS
Kevin Chang has over 20 years of service as a Chinese immersion teacher and Lower School Director at the Chinese American International School (CAIS) in San Francisco, CA. Today, Kevin oversees a long-term Chinese immersion curriculum development project, leads a Chinese faculty of over 30 teachers, and plays an integral role of providing quality Chinese education at CAIS. Kevin’s work in Chinese as a foreign language educator has included training and mentoring a variety of Chinese language teachers as well as presentations on topics on Chinese curricular and instructional strategies at different events hosted by NAIS, NCLC, and ACTFL. Kevin also co-founded ECCIF (Early Childhood Chinese Immersion Forum) which runs annually in San Francisco.
Hsiao-Chi Su has taught 2nd through 5th grade classes at CAIS for 18 years. She has involved in CAIS summer camps and STARTALK teacher training programs. Currently teaching 2nd grade, Hsiao-Chi is an ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) certified tester and has presented at many conferences and teachers’ workshops organized by NCLC and various Confucius Institutes.
Yinzhu Liu has taught at CAIS for more than 20 years in the lower grades. Her rich teaching experiences in China and in the US have enabled her to bring the world to her classroom. In addition to being an ACTFL certified OPI tester, she has participated in several CAIS and STARTALK student summer camps and teacher training programs.
Chinese Early Language and Immersion Network (CELIN) spreads best practices from the experts who've done it.
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