Wall Street Journal Stokes Anticipation for Asia Society Museum's Sarah Sze Exhibit

Asia Society Museum's latest exhibition received a high-profile blast of publicity over the weekend with a preview of Sarah Sze: Infinite Line in the Wall Street Journal.
Sarah Sze is a 42-year-old American artist known for installations that incorporate everyday materials like disposable plastic eating utensils, notepads, scissors and cotton swabs. Opening tomorrow at Asia Society Museum, Sarah Sze: Infinite Line is the first exhibition to focus specifically on the artist's process; as the title might suggest, it explores the notion of line, literally and figuratively, in a variety of media, from drawings to sculpture to installation.
In the Journal piece, Rachel Wolff explains how the drawings, prints, sculptures and "dizzying room-size" installations of Sze's Asia Society exhibition evoke such earlier forms as Chinese scroll painting and Renaissance perspective. The piece also notes that the artist's three-dimensional works combine to recreate "a traditionally 2-D device — perspective."
Sze herself says of her artworks, "I think of them as drawings, but also as compasses. They're about that experience of trying to locate and reorient yourself in space."
Read the complete Wall Street Journal article here.
Sarah Sze: Infinite Line opens on Tuesday, December 13 and runs through March 25, 2012.