'Reimagining Australia’s Asia Engagement Capability' Asia Taskforce Discussion Paper

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'Spotlight, Secure, Scale-Up & Strategise: Reimagining Australia’s Asia Engagement Capability' Asia Taskforce Discussion Paper
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This Discussion Paper has been prepared as part of a series of short reports on specific topics identified by the Business Council of Australia and Asia Society Australia Asia Taskforce (with PwC Australia and The University of Sydney Business School as knowledge partners) to supplement the findings and recommendations contained in the Taskforce Interim Report.
One of the objectives of the Taskforce was to identify barriers to success in Asia - our Asian Engagement Capability was identified as a critical national asset that requires going investment by business and government. While recognising the efforts and achievements in bringing Asian literacy to the fore of national education policy and debated over past decades, it is clear that a new model is required for ensuring Australia's Asian engagement capabilities are fit for the challenges that lie ahead.
In taking this opportunity forward, the paper argues for four critical interventions to be led by government and business to spotlight, secure, scale-up and strategise Australia's long-term Asia engagement.
Asia Taskforce Sub-Committee on Asian Languages and Cultural Studies
Caitlin Byrne, Professor and Director, Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University (Chair)
Tamerlaine Beasley, Managing Director, Beasley Intercultural
Edward Aspinall, President, Asian Studies Association of Australia and Professor of Politics, The Australian National University
David Hill, Emeritus Professor of Southeast Asian Studies, Murdoch University
Jessica Wong-Saunderson, Director, Tax, PwC Australia
Zac Segal, Student Ambassador, The University of Sydney Business School