In the Media | September 2024

"The truth is that unless we put down deeper economic roots in the world’s most important region – now accounting for two-thirds of global growth – we put our future prosperity at risk. This is more urgent than ever because as Asia’s global economic centrality has grown, the competition for its finite economic opportunities has intensified.”
- Asia Society Australia Chief Executive Officer, Anthony Bubalo, on five questions to ask for Australia to reach its destiny in Asia in the Australian Financial Review.
Asia Society President and CEO, Dr Kyung-wha Kang, on what the neighbours think of Australia on the ABC Radio National Global Roaming podcast.
"Battery storage can be a strategic hedge against future gas risks for Southeast Asia. By providing fast and responsive support to balance the grid when renewable generation fluctuates, either exceeding or falling short of electricity demand, battery storage can reduce the region’s dependence on imported gas for both baseload power and flexibility.”
- Asia Society Australia Non-Resident Senior Policy Fellow, Dr Muyi Yang, on recharging Southeast Asia’s energy security strategy in East Asia Forum.
"Greater economic engagement with South-East Asia is needed not only for Australia’s sustained prosperity but also for its political clout as a bona fide Asian power. It will also be to the benefit of the South-East Asian countries to draw Australia much closer economically and politically, as they try to infuse greater substance into the claim of ASEAN centrality in the Indo-Pacific region.”
- Asia Society President and CEO, Dr Kyung-wha Kang, on how Australia is on the map but not on the minds of South-East Asia in the Australian Financial Review.