'Managing Bribery and Corruption' Asia Taskforce Discussion Paper

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'Managing Bribery and Corruption: A framework for Australian businesses' Asia Taskforce Discussion Paper
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This Discussion Paper has been prepared as part of a series of short reports on specific topics identified by the Business Council of Australia and Asia Society Australia Asia Taskforce (with PwC Australia and The University of Sydney Business School as knowledge partners) to supplement the findings and recommendations contained in the Taskforce Interim Report.
One of the objectives of the Taskforce was to identify barriers to success in Asia – bribery and corruption (B&C) stands out as a key concern for management, boards and investors. The paper defines bribery and corruption in the Asian region, presents a risk management framework for Australian business and explains strategies for managing B&C incidents.
Asia Taskforce Sub-Committee on Anti-bribery and Corruption
Peter Osborne, Chairman Asia Pacific Seed Health & Former Managing Director Asia, Blackmores Limited (Chair)
Tuanh Nguyen, Director, Legal, PwC Australia (Project Director)
Rory Donohue, Senior Consultant, Risk & Forensics Consulting, PwC Australia
Anthony Bishop, President Asia Pacific, Cochlear Limited
Catherine Brenner, Former Chair, AMP
Chris Cartmell, Counsel, Tiang & Partners Hong Kong (Associated with PwC Legal International Pte Ltd)
Georgina Dawson, Partner, Freshfields Singapore
Ian Kemish, Strategic Advisor, Newcrest Mining
Andrew MacIntosh, Partner, Control Risks Singapore
Lara Peake, General Counsel Asia Pacific, Compass Group
Chris Sargent, Former General Counsel, QBE Asia Pacific