[WEBCAST] Asia Briefing LIVE 2020 Preview
VIEW EVENT DETAILSA webcast preview of our annual executive forum taking the pulse of Asia and Australia’s engagement with the region.

Asia Briefing LIVE is the premier executive forum taking the pulse of Australia’s engagement with Asia.
In 2020, and in response to global events, Asia Briefing LIVE will be presented both digitally and in-person. The forum will focus on the theme of resilience, and will ask: how resilient are Australia and Asia in the face of geopolitical, economic, health and climate challenges?
On Tuesday 28 April, the forum will go LIVE with an online, public, panel discussion, offering a deep dive into how Asia’s geopolitics, economies, and businesses are maintaining resilience in the face of the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic.
We hope that in late 2020, the forum will convene in-person, in Melbourne, to continue and widen the conversation. Asia Briefing LIVE sessions are presented in partnership with Bloomberg, the leading global business media company and are moderated by Bloomberg’s award-winning journalists and editors.
Asia Briefing LIVE brings together Australian and global CEOs, business and non-profit leaders with academics, analysts and policymakers. The project is supported by the Victorian Government.
Join our LIVE Preview session
Date: Tuesday 28 April 2020
Time: 11:20 a.m. - 12:35 p.m.
2020 Agenda
Introductory message from Tim Pallas MP, Treasurer of Victoria
Asia Briefing LIVE 2020: The Year of Living Dangerously
Asia Society Policy Institute Vice President, Wendy Cutler discusses how COIVD-19 is impacting trade, investment, global supply chains and the US-China relationship with Bloomberg's Ed Johnson
Australian and global business leaders assess the Australian and regional economic and policy responses to COVID-19 and unpack what a bounce back looks like for our major sectors
Australia-Asia 360°
An Asia Briefing LIVE tradition, our annual interactive audience poll and analysis of the big issues
This session will now run online only. For any enquiries, please contact [email protected].
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